那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

我们公司大堂的地面铺的是大理石,每次经过都感觉脚底在打滑,就更甭提清洁过后了......外教 Tony 每次路过时都会指着警示牌儿跟身边的人说一句 "Be careful,never throw caution to the wind."(小心点儿,千万别把这个警告不当回事儿 。)

那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

在这里,老外用了一句地道的短语~"throw caution to the wind", 乍一看字面儿上是"把警告扔到风中",细一琢磨就明白了,不就是“把小心谨慎给抛到九霄云外”嘛!引申而来就包含了"不顾一切、 莽撞行事"的意思,也就是我们平时常说的"当作耳边风、豁出去了" 。

那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

throw caution to the wind(s)不顾一切; 莽撞行事;把谨慎抛诸脑后;当作耳旁风;
【En】to ignore the risks and deliberately behave in a way that may cause trouble or problems. 忽视风险,故意做出可能引起麻烦或问题的行为 。to do something without worrying about the risks and danger involved. 做某事不用担心所涉及的风险和危险 。to abandon one's cautiousness in order to take a risk. 为了冒险而放弃自己的谨慎 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

【那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了】
【Scenario Listening 场景听力】
● Jane, who is usually cautious, threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean.
简一向很谨慎,现在却不顾一切,到海里去游泳了 。
● I don't mind taking a little chance now and then, but I'm not the type of person who throw caution to the wind.
我不介意偶尔冒一下险,但我不是那种不顾一切的人 。
● You could always throw caution to the wind and have another glass of wine.
你总是可以把谨慎抛诸脑后,再喝一杯酒 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

● I threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive one.
我不顾一切地买了那个最贵的 。
● Should I throw caution to the wind and take the new job?
● Give yourself permission to fail; throw caution to the wind and you'll experiment and grow.
允许自己失败; 把谨慎抛诸脑后,你就会尝试并成长 。
● I just threw caution to the wind, I just wanted to throw punches, to knock him out.
我只是把谨慎抛到九霄云外,我只是想出拳,把他打晕 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

● You may even throw caution to the wind and try one of our Mystery Trips.
你甚至可以不顾一切地尝试我们的神秘之旅 。
● They're not so willing to just throw caution to the wind and adapt to whatever custom comes their way.
他们不愿意把谨慎抛诸脑后,去适应任何一种风俗 。
● The Leader has apparently decided to throw caution to the wind and do away with the office of president.
这位领导人显然决定不顾一切,废除总统职位 。
● I threw caution to the winds and followed him.
我不顾一切地跟着他走了 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

【Scenario Example 场景示例】● The two of us threw caution to the winds and raced to the rescue.
我们两个不顾一切地跑去救人 。
● Rick had always thrown caution to the wind when it came to money.
Rick花钱从来都是大手大脚 。
● So take whatever chance you get to throw caution to the wind.
所以要抓住一切机会把谨慎抛诸脑后 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

● I decided to throw caution to the winds and buy myself a really expensive pair of shoes.
我决定豁出去了,给自己买一双非常贵的鞋 。
● You can't live life completely reserved, you know. You've got to throw caution to the wind every now and then.
你不能总是这么保守地生活,你知道的 。你时不时得把谨慎抛到脑后 。
那真就是豁出去了 我也豁出去了

● After my father won a bit of money at the race tracks, he began throwing caution to the winds and gambling everything we had there.
我父亲在赛马场赢了一点钱后,就开始不顾一切地把我们所有的钱都赌上了 。