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- 33表示的是什么意思
- 33代表啥意思啊
Studio Weave builds viewing tower that looks like a terraced house in London's Greenwich
Studio Weave近期完成了一座如同“经典退台建筑”的展馆,建筑位于伦敦格林威治,人们能够在展馆上俯瞰周边美景 。
Studio Weave has unveiled a pavilion in the form of a "typical terraced house", offering views over the construction site of a new design district on the Greenwich Peninsula in London.
该项目名字为“33”,Studio Weave负责人Je Ahn曾经居住于此,建筑共三层,呈现为梯形,并且搭配有亮红色的大门 。
设计方案参考了格林威治地区的建筑特征,这座建筑位于河畔,周边有着一系列现有的格鲁吉亚工作者常常使用的平台 。但是这座建筑并没有使用传统的砖石墙体,而是由木材元素建造而成,看起来十分具有装饰感 。
Named 33, the number of the house Studio Weave director Je Ahn used to live at, the three-storey pavilion is built in the shape of a terraced house, complete with a bright red door.
The design references the housing that previously covered much of the Greenwich Peninsula, and the structure also stands near a row of surviving Georgian worker terraces on River Way. But instead of typical brick walls, 33 comprises a decorative lattice of timber elements.
Ahn是首届Dezeen奖的评审人员,他说道:“这个项目的主题是‘什么是家’ 。”
他告诉Dezeen的采访人员:“这个项目是为了纪念该地区的发展,这些新机遇为泰晤士河畔提供了全新的住房与就业机会 。”
"The project was conceived under the theme of 'what home is'," explained Ahn, who is also a judge of the inaugural Dezeen Awards.
"It celebrates the evolution of the area as a creative community providing new homes, jobs and neighbourhoods near the River Thames," he told Dezeen.
梯形建筑的结构体系由英国道格拉斯冷杉木建造而成,相连的木桩构成了周边的围护系统 。
Ahn说:“‘33’项目呼应了历史建筑的比例,模仿它们的窗户、大门,以及烟囱的形式,同时结合了当代的建筑形式以及复杂的装饰 。”
“这些装束模板体系有着结构作用,同时也表达了广泛的文化联系,尤其是针对伦敦地区的当代建筑提出了质疑,在这里,梯形建筑仍然是家庭住宅的主要类型 。”
The stripped structure of the single terraced house is built with Douglas fir from forests in the UK, joined together with timber pegs.
"Thirty-three echoes the proportions of a historical terrace dwelling, mimicking window, door and chimney segments yet introducing a contemporary twist in the form of intricately patterned stud-work," said Ahn.
"These patterns have a structural purpose whilst also suggesting broader cultural associations – in particular questioning the meaning of home in contemporary London, where terraced houses are still the dominating residential typology associated with the idea of home."
在阳台之中,建筑师采用了明黄色的钢梯,让人们能够进入其内部,感受建筑项目的开发过程 。
Ahn说:“Phoenix是游客会来参观的目的地,同时也成为了周边的观景平台,另外还能容纳各项活动 。”
Within the timber terrace, a bright yellow steel staircase allows visitors to climb up inside the pavilion to get views of the a new housing development that is already under construction.
"Acting as the destination for visitors travelling down Phoenix Avenue, the pavilion is both a viewing platform for contemplating the construction of the neighbouring design district and an event space for a variety of activities," said Ahn.
在展览中,地面上的平面设计由Jay Cover与Hato共同绘制完成,这展示了家具的典型特征,诸如桌子、椅子、书桌等家具与这座住宅都十分协调 。
在地面层,这些平面图像从内部延伸向外,形成“花园” 。
Ahn说:“通过2D空间的‘花园’,激发起人们对于家庭的占有欲,人们可以在这里体验到伦敦人民日常生活中的各项设施 。”
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