
嗨 , 小伙伴们大家好 , 集才华和颜值于一身的小编又来了!今天继续给大家带来好看的头像 , 希望大家能够喜欢哦!
云把水倒在河的水杯里 , 它们自己却藏在远山之中 。
The clouds poured water into the river's cup, but they hid themselves in the distant mountains.
太阳是偷吃了小蛋糕和梅子酒的月亮 , 白天减肥 , 晚上放纵 , 日日如此 。
The sun is the moon that has eaten small cakes and plum wine. It loses weight during the day and indulges at night.
我本是槐花院落闲散的人 , 满襟酒气 。 小池塘边跌坐看鱼 , 眉挑烟火过一生 。
I was a laid-back person in Huaihuayuan, full of alcohol. Sitting by the small pond to watch the fish, fired his eyes and fired a lifetime.
人们总是为花开欣喜 , 却很少为花落惋惜 , 但花从来不在意。
People always rejoice in flowers, but rarely regret flowers, but flowers never care.
更羡慕街边咖啡座里的目光 , 只一闪 , 便觉得日月悠长、山河无恙 。
Even more envious of the eyes in the cafe on the street, just a flash, I feel that the sun and the moon are long and the river is boundless.
早晨是一只花鹿 , 踩到我额上 , 世界多么好 。
In the morning is a flower deer, stepping on my forehead, how good the world is.
好了 , 今天就到这里了 , 欢迎大家在评论区留下你的脚印!