抖音网红歌曲之:Apologize 歌词apologize什么意思有哪些创作背景
【抖音网红歌曲之:Apologize 歌词apologize什么意思有哪些创作背景】我们为此次争议事变深表歉意 。
我们的舛错解决导致某些乡村不有使用切确的国家称呼 。
该T恤已于7月2四日在Versace范思哲民间局部销售渠道下架并废除 。
这是我们公司的忽略,我们对于由此形成的影响深表歉意 。
翻译:Versace has recently discovered that some consumers on the 网站 have discussed one of our T-shirts.
We apologize for the dispute.
Our misdesign led to the fact that some cities did not use the correct country name.
The T-shirt was removed and destroyed on July 2四th in Versace"s official sales channels.
This is the negligence of our company and weapologize for the impact.
Versace Versace reiterates that we love China and resolutely respect the sovereignty of China"s territorial state.
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