核心考点Soon, No sooner soon是什么意思

核心考点Soon, No sooner soon是什么意思


核心考点Soon, No sooner soon是什么意思

一、副词 soon 作“久”、“早”讲
1.We shall soon know the result. 我们不久(即将)知道结果 。
【注】有时soon和fast译成汉语时都表示“快”,但前者指时间的迟早中的早,后者指动作快慢中的快 。例如:
2.You will soon go to the factory. 你们很快要下厂了 。(指时间的早)
3.Speak to me as fast as you can. 你对我说话能多快就多快 。(指说话速度的快)
二、"No sooner...Than"一般用于叙述过去事情,表示“一······就······”的意思 。如果表示否定的短语 no sooner 位于句首 , 那么后面主语、谓语就颠倒
No sooner had the words been spoken than he realized that he should have remained silent 。话一出口,他便意识到他本该保持沉默 。
【注】than后面的状语从句,常用过去时 。主句动作一般发生在从句之前,只是否定式而已,故用过去完成时 。
三、“as soon as”引导的是时间从句,作“一······就······”讲
1.As soon as ? saw him, I told him what we needed. 我一见他,就告诉了他,我们需要什么 。
2. I will let you fly to Shanghai as soon as we complete the work. 我们把这项工作一做完,我就让你飞往上海 。
【注1】主句的动作是在时间状语从句的动作之后发生的,但主句和从句常用一般过去时 。上面第2句由于用来叙述将来的动作,故主句用将来时 , 而时间状语从句像往常一样,只能用现在时代替实际上的将来时 。由于从句动作毕竟是在主句动作之前发生,偶尔也有使用过去完成时的情况 。例如:
As soon as she discovered her errors, she made the necessary corrections to her data. (那时)她一发现有错,就对自己的数据作必要的修改 。
She sent an E-mail as soon as she received a letter from you. 她一收到你的来信就发了一封电子邮件 。
She had no sooner received a letter from you than she sent an Email.=She had scarcely (或 hardly) received a letter from you when (或 before) she sent an Email.
五、注意“主语+would(或had)+as soon+……+as+被弃事物或动作”这种句型,它表示“宁愿······而不······”之意
He would (或 had) as soon you took a glass of tea as a glass of milk. 他希望你与其喝一杯牛奶,还不如喝一杯茶 。
【注】这里用 would 或 had 表示虚拟语气 。
核心考点Soon, No sooner soon是什么意思

Wouldn't you sooner take this medicine than be sick? 你宁可不吃药而甘愿生病吗?(这里用 would 表示虚拟语气 。)
【核心考点Soon, No sooner soon是什么意思】