价格歧视的三种类型 差别定价与价格歧视的区别

Definition 定义 – Price discrimination involves charging a different price to different groups of people for the same good. For example – student discounts, off peak fares cheaper than peak fares. 价格歧视是指对同一商品向不同人群收取不同的价格 。例如,学生打折,非高峰期的票价比高峰期的票价便宜 。

价格歧视的三种类型 差别定价与价格歧视的区别

Cut-price fuel on Tuesdays and Thursdays is a form of price discrimination.
Different Types of Price Discrimination 价格歧视的不同类型
1. First Degree Price Discrimination 第一度价格歧视
This involves charging consumers the maximum price that they are willing to pay. There will be no consumer surplus. 这涉及向消费者收取他们愿意支付的最高价格 。不会有消费者剩余 。
2. Second Degree Price Discrimination 第二度价格歧视
This involves charging different prices depending upon the choices of consumer. For example quantity, time period, collecting coupons 这涉及到根据消费者的选择收取不同的价格 。例如,数量,时间段,收集优惠券 。
After 10 minutes phone calls become cheaper. 10分钟后,电话会变得更便宜 。Electricity is more expensive for the first number of units. For a higher quantity of electricity consumed the marginal cost is lower. 电费在最初的单位数量中比较昂贵 。对于更多数量的电力消费,边际成本更低 。Loyalty cards reward frequent buyers with discounts on future products. 忠诚卡以未来产品的折扣来奖励经常购买者 。If you collect coupons from a newspaper you can get a discount. 如果你从报纸上收集优惠券,你可以得到一个折扣 。
2nd-degree price discrimination is sometimes known as ‘indirect price discrimination’ because the firm allows consumers to choose which price they will pay. Some choices are offered cheaper because they impose costs on consumers (e.g. collecting coupons, buying in bulk or unsocial hours. 二度价格歧视有时被称为 "间接价格歧视",因为公司允许消费者选择他们将支付的价格 。有些选择提供的价格更便宜,因为它们给消费者带来了成本(如收集优惠券,大量购买或非社会时间 。
3. Third Degree Price Discrimination – ‘Group price discrimination’ 第三度价格歧视--"群体价格歧视
This involves charging different prices to different groups of people. For example 这涉及到向不同人群收取不同的价格 。比如说:
Student discounts 学生折扣Senior citizen railcard 老年人铁路卡Peak travel/ off-peak travel 高峰旅行/非高峰旅行Cheaper prices by the time of the day (e.g. happy hour’s in pubs – usually earlier on in evening where demand is lower. 在一天中的不同时段收取更便宜的价格(例如,酒吧的欢乐时光--通常是在需求较低的晚上早些时候 。
More on third-degree price discrimination 关于三度价格歧视的更多信息
3rd degree price-discrimination is sometimes known as direct price discrimination. Because a firm directly sets different prices depending on distinct groups of consumers (e.g. age) 三度价格歧视有时被称为直接价格歧视 。因为一个公司直接根据不同的消费者群体(如年龄)制定不同的价格 。
Product versioning 产品版本化
One way firms practise price discrimination is to offer slightly different products as a way to discriminate between consumers ability to pay. For example 企业实行价格歧视的一种方式是提供略有不同的产品,作为区别消费者支付能力的一种方式 。比如说:
Priority boarding tickets 优先登机票. Same flight but for a premium, you get a shorter queue. 同样的航班,但只要支付一定的费用,就可以获得较短的排队时间 。Organic coffee 有机咖啡 / fair trade coffee 公平贸易咖啡Extra legroom on aeroplanes 飞机上的额外腿部空间First-class/second class 头等舱/二等舱
This is a form of indirect segmentation. By offering slightly different choices, the firm is able to separate consumers who are willing to pay higher prices. 这是一种间接细分的形式 。通过提供稍微不同的选择,公司能够将愿意支付更高价格的消费者分开 。
Conditions necessary for price discrimination 价格歧视的必要条件Firm is a price maker 公司是一个价格制定者. The firm must operate in imperfect competition; it must be a price maker with a downwardly sloping demand curve. 企业必须在不完全竞争中运作;它必须是一个需求曲线向下倾斜的价格制定者 。Separate markets 分离的市场. The firm must be able to separate markets and prevent resale. E.g. stopping an adults using a child’s ticket. Prevent business travellers from buying discount tickets. 公司必须能够分离市场并防止转售 。例如,阻止成人使用儿童的票 。防止商务旅行者购买折扣票 。Different elasticities of demand 不同的需求弹性. Different consumer groups must have elasticities of demand. E.g. students with low income will be more price elastic and sensitive to price. Business travellers will have more inelastic demand. 不同的消费者群体必须有需求弹性 。例如,低收入的学生会有更大的价格弹性,对价格敏感 。商务旅行者将有更多的非弹性需求 。Low admin costs 低管理成本. It must be relatively cheap to separate markets and implement price discrimination. 分离市场和实施价格歧视必须是相对便宜的 。