价格歧视的三种类型 差别定价与价格歧视的区别( 二 )

Simple diagram for Price Discrimination 价格歧视的简单图示

价格歧视的三种类型 差别定价与价格歧视的区别

Without price discrimination, the firm charges one price £7 * 100 = £700 revenue 在没有价格歧视的情况下,公司收取一个价格7英镑*100=700英镑的收入 。
WIth price discrimination, the firm can charge two different prices 在有价格歧视的情况下,该公司可以收取两个不同的价格:
£10 * 35 = £350£4 * 120 = £480
Total revenue = £830. Therefore, the firm makes more revenue under price discrimination. 总收入=830英镑 。因此,在价格歧视下,该公司的收入更多 。
Profit maximisation under Price Discrimination 价格歧视下的利润最大化
To maximise profits a firm sets output and price where MR=MC. If there are two sub markets with different elasticities of demand. The firm will increase profits by setting different prices depending upon the slope of the demand curve. 为了实现利润最大化,公司设定产量和价格,其中MR=MC 。如果有两个具有不同需求弹性的子市场 。公司将根据需求曲线的斜率设定不同的价格来增加利润 。
Therefore for a group, such as adults, PED is inelastic – the price will be higher 因此,对于一个群体,如成人,PED是没有弹性的--价格会更高 。For groups like students, prices will be lower because their demand is elastic 对于像学生这样的群体,价格会更低,因为他们的需求有弹性 。Diagram of Price Discrimination 价格歧视的图示
价格歧视的三种类型 差别定价与价格歧视的区别

Profit is maximised where MR=MC. WIthout price discrimination, there would just be one price set for the whole market (A+B). There would be a price of P3. 当MR=MC时,利润最大化 。如果没有价格歧视,整个市场将只有一个价格(A+B) 。将会有一个P3的价格 。
However, price discrimination allows the firm to set different prices for segment A (inelastic demand) and segment B (elastic demand) 然而,价格歧视允许公司为A部分(非弹性需求)和B部分(弹性需求)制定不同的价格 。Because demand is price inelastic, segment (A) will have a higher profit maximising price (P1) 因为需求是无弹性的,所以A部分会有一个较高的利润最大化价格(P1) 。In segment (B) demand is price elastic, so the profit maximising price is lower. 在细分市场(B),需求是有价格弹性的,所以利润最大化的价格会比较低 。Advantages of price discrimination 价格歧视的优势Firms will be able to increase revenue 企业将能够增加收入. Price discrimination will enable some firms to stay in business who otherwise would have made a loss. For example price discrimination is important for train companies who offer different prices for peak and off-peak. Without price discrimination, they may go out of business or be unable to provide off-peak services. 价格歧视将使一些本来会亏损的公司继续经营下去 。例如,价格歧视对于为高峰期和非高峰期提供不同价格的火车公司很重要 。如果没有价格歧视,他们可能会倒闭或无法提供非高峰期服务 。Increased investment 增加投资. These increased revenues can be used for research and development which benefit consumers 这些增加的收入可以用于研究和开发,使消费者受益 。Lower prices for some 对一些人来说价格更低. Some consumers will benefit from lower fares. For example, old people benefit from lower train companies; old people are more likely to be poor. Also, customers willing to spend time in researching ‘special offers’ and travelling at awkward times will be rewarded with lower prices. 一些消费者将从较低的票价中受益 。例如,老人从较低的火车公司中受益;老人更可能是穷人 。另外,愿意花时间研究 "特别优惠 "和在尴尬时间旅行的顾客将得到较低价格的回报 。Manages demand 管理需求. Airlines can use price discrimination to encourage people to travel at unpopular times (early in the morning) This helps avoid over-crowding and helps to spread out demand. 航空公司可以利用价格歧视来鼓励人们在不受欢迎的时间(清晨)旅行,这有助于避免过度拥挤,有助于分散需求 。Disadvantages of Price Discrimination 价格歧视的弊端Higher prices for some 对某些人来说价格较高. Under price discrimination, some consumers will end up paying higher prices (e.g. people who have to travel at busy times). These higher prices are likely to be allocatively inefficient because P > MC. 在价格歧视下,一些消费者最终会支付更高的价格(例如,必须在繁忙时间出行的人) 。这些较高的价格可能是无效率的分配,因为P>MC 。Decline in consumer surplus 消费者剩余的减少. Price discrimination enables a transfer of money from consumers to firms – contributing to increased inequality. 价格歧视使得资金从消费者手中转移到公司--导致不平等的加剧 。Potentially unfair 潜在的不公平. Those who pay higher prices may not be the poorest. For example, adults paying full price could be unemployed, senior citizens can be very well off. 那些支付较高价格的人可能不是最贫穷的人 。例如,支付全价的成年人可能是失业者,老年公民可能非常富裕 。Administration costs 行政成本. There will be administration costs in separating the markets, which could lead to higher prices. 分离市场会有管理成本,这可能会导致价格上涨 。Predatory pricing 掠夺性定价. Profits from price discrimination could be used to finance predatory pricing. 价格歧视的利润可能被用于资助掠夺性定价