


Angel (天使) - Sarah McLachlan (莎拉·麦克拉克兰)Spend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机遇For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破There's always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾And it's hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉Or a beautiful release - 或是一个美丽的解脱Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢Let me be empty and weightless - 让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂And maybe I’ll find some peace to