1、花在草丛里最迷人,人在深夜里最动情 。
Flowers are most charming in the grass, and people are most affectionate in the late night.
【文案朋友圈(离别的朋友圈文案)】2、开始享受黑夜那一刻,我就不再对黎明抱有期待 。
The moment I began to enjoy the night, I stopped looking forward to the dawn.

3、夜里有腐烂的梦,梦里有重复的人 。
There are rotten dreams at night, and there are repeated people in dreams.
4、晚睡的人,要么手里有手机,要么心里有一个人 。
People who go to bed late either have a cell phone in their hand or a person in their heart.

5、关关难过关关过,夜夜难熬夜夜熬 。
Every level is hard but must go through, the night is hard but every night must go through.
6、掉头发是真的,晚上负面情绪是真的,睡不着是真的,只有白天的快乐是假的 。
Hair loss is real, night time negative emotions are real, sleepless nights are real, and only daytime happiness is fake.

7、一心想入梦,一直难入眠 。
I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't sleep.
8、最近的状态:送命试熬夜,经常性失落,间接性崩溃,习惯性自愈 。
Recent status: dying to stay up late, frequent depression, indirect breakdown, habitual self-healing.

9、我没有怎么样,只是偶尔会失眠 。
B: Nothing much, except that I suffer from insomnia occasionally.
10、谁不是过五关斩六将,深夜可以痛苦,但天亮必须奔跑 。
Who is not through the five passes, the night can be painful, but must run at dawn.

11、月朗星稀,比比皆是回忆 。
Long star sparse, everywhere memories.
12、梦是个可怕的东西,总在你毫无防备的时候,让你记起你费尽心机想忘记的人 。
Dreams are terrible things. They remind you, when you're off guard, of the people you've tried so hard to forget.

13、晚安好像变成了一个礼貌,睡不睡谁又知道 。
Good night seems to have become a polite, sleep who knows.
14、山河已暮,时已寝安,虽不同枕,但求同梦 。
The mountains and rivers are dusk, when sleep has been safe, although different pillow, but seek the same dream.
