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Occasionally[??ke??n?li] adv.偶尔地;偶尔accompany [??k?mp?ni] vt.陪同;陪伴devote [d??vo?t] v.致力于;投入wander [?wɑ?nd?r] v.漫步;流浪folk [fo?k] n.人们;各位;adj.民俗的facticity 实际性;真实性evidence [?ev?d?ns] n.根据;证明;证据sacrifice [?s?kr?fa?s] n.牺牲;舍弃greedy [?ɡri?di] adj.贪婪的;贪心的


Good Morning!
A girl asked a man to say “I love you.”The men couldn't say it. After seven months, they broke up. Occasionally, the man would remember his first love. Everytime, there was a thought coming into his mind, that was " he loved her."
一个女孩让一个男人对他说“我爱你 。” 男人说不出口 。七个月后,两人分手了 。男人偶然会想起自己的初恋 。每次脑海中都会有个声音 “他爱过她” 。
So what is love?Love itself is a promise, it's a promise to accompany a people all your life. When you tell someone "I love you", the promise becomes a duty, it's a duty to care a people until the end whatever happens.
所以,什么是爱?爱本身就是一个承诺,一个陪伴一生的承诺 。当你对某人说“我爱你”的时候,这个承诺就成了一个责任,一个无论发生什么,都要守护他/她一生的承诺 。


Everyone needs love and everyone needs to be loved. I don't know how to devote myself to pursuing freedom and cut off the feelling of love. I don't understand how someone could achieve it, for example, the wandering master, Shen Wei; the folk singer, Song Dongye.
每个人都需要爱和被爱 。我不知道怎么把自己全部投入到追求自由当中,不去想爱和被爱的感觉 。我不明白为什么有些人可以做到,比如流浪大师沈巍、民谣歌手宋冬野 。
I always doubt the facticity of those two verses about the choice of freedom by giving up love and life. I searched the evidence online,just as I thought, it's not the original meaning of author. The original meaning of author is:
我时常怀疑那两句为了自由放弃爱情和生命的诗句的真实性 。我在网上搜寻着证据,正如我所想,这不是作者原本的意思 。作者原本的意思是:
Love, freedom, all I want are these two. For love, I am willing to sacrifice my life. For freedom, I have no choice but sacrifice my love.
爱情、自由,我想要的就这两个 。为了爱情,我愿意牺牲生命,为了自由,我别无选择,只能放弃爱情 。
The love and freedom at here are two kinds of duties, one is the duty to his wife, another is the duty to his country. Between the two duties, the author chose the bigger one, which led to his death.
这里的爱情和自由是两种责任,一种是对妻子的责任,另一种是对国家的责任 。在两种责任间,作者选择了更大的责任,最终为国牺牲 。


Are you greedy his/ her body? Or Will you take responsibility for looking after him/her?
Do you want freedom? Or are you escaping from the duties?
Welcom to share your opinions in the comments' area.
欢迎在评论区留下你的观点 。
Do I think clearly about them now? No 。
我想清楚了么? 没有 。
All I know is it's very easy for a young people to say love to another, and both love and freedom will take too much money. Nowadays, it seems, as long as you have money, you can have lots of love and much of freedom.
我只知道一个年轻人对另一个人太容易说“爱”了,知道爱和自由需要花好多的钱 。如今,好像只要你有了钱,你就有无数的爱和无尽的自由 。
What can I do? Nothing, except live healthily, live happily and wish I could live longer enough to see you off one by one.
我能做什么?啥也干不了,除了健康地活着,开心地活着,盼望着自己可以活得久一点,把你们一个个先送走 。
A new day, keep going!
【金钱自由时间自由(金钱即自由)】新的一天,继续前行 。


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  • 上一篇:902577(get affection)
