英译英训练:You're still wet behind the ears是什么意思?
我们学习英语的目的,确切的说,是训练英语的目的,不在于让你见到英语能否“说出”它的中文,而在于用它来训练你见到英语“能不能说”英语,“说出”多少和哪些英语 。
这是我们学习所有英语表达的共同目的 。你见英语就“说”中文是训练不到你的英语能力的 。毕竟我们要练的不是“说”中文的能力,是“说”英语,“回忆”英语的能力 。
比如,你见到英语You're still wet behind the ears时,你能“说出来”的,是英语,还是它的中文?
1) 借助学英语锻炼查英英字典,学好英语的第一步:Yahoo wet behind the ears
一个人“学”英语,连字典,尤其英英字典都懒得查,你说他能学好英语,(鲁豫)我不信 。除非他能有机会生活在一个经常可以使用英语的环境中取代查英英字典的环节 。
英英字典1:Wet behind the ears
Inexperienced, often because one is young.
英英字典2:wet behind the ears
naive, immature, inexperienced
英英字典3:wet behind the ears
to be young and without experience
英英字典4:wet behind the ears
If you say that someone is still wet behind the ears, you mean that they have only recently arrived in a new place or job, and are therefore still not experienced.
同样是表达wet behind the ears,有的字典说inexperienced, 有的字典说naive, immature,有的字典又把inexperience换成 without experience,其实都是一个意思,但是这样的学习无形中又起到了训练我们丰富的表达能力的效果 。
这绝对不是用中文学英语所能比拟的尤其是学到了用If you say that ..., you mean that...这个非常好的用英语理解英语时的固定句型 。
2) Okay.I got you口语能力训练
1.Okay.I got you.Be wet behind tge ears means Be inexperienced,be naive,or be immature.
2.Okay.I got you.If you say that someone is still wet behind the ears, you mean that they're still young and are therefore still not experienced =without experience =inexperienced.这不是可以表达“下车伊始”吗?
在你有机会开口跟人用wet behind the ears这句英语之前,我们要的就是你见到英语wet behind the ears时,能张口就来这些英语:你就是在“用”英语了 。
何况,你应该一辈子没有机会跟人用英语用到要说wet behind the ears的地步,换言之,英语只用中文学到头来通通都是“没有用”的 。
3) Some examples
1.You're too young to take on a job like this! You're still wet behind the ears!
2. He may be wet behind the ears, but he's well-trained and totally competent.
3. He’s a young teacher, still wet behind the ears.
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