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Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays. Atcurrent growth rates, Chinese spending could catch up with the US – whichaccounts for more than 45 per cent of global military spending – by as early as2025.
中国军费支出目前仅次于美国 。按当前趋势推算,中国军费支出可能最快在2025年就赶上美国(目前美国占全球军费支出逾45%) 。
For now, however, Chinese exports lag behind other countries with muchsmaller populations and economies. The US share of global conventional armsexports is 30 per cent. Russia, meanwhile, accounts for 26 per cent, Germanexports constitute 7 per cent, and France accounts for 6 per cent.
但就目前而言,中国的武器出口仍少于一些人口和经济规模都小得多的国家 。美国占全球常规武器出口的30%,俄罗斯占26%,德国占7%,法国占6% 。
The rapid expansion in Beijing’s military budget in recent years and a focuson technological advances have raised the sophistication and competitiveness ofChinese weapons. This allowed China to cut the volume of its weapons imports inhalf between 2008 and 2012, compared with the 2003-2007 period, when it was theworld’s largest importer of conventional weapons.
近年中国军事预算的快速扩张,加上对先进技术的专注,都提高了中国造武器的技术含量和竞争力 。这使中国在2008-12年期间的武器进口量与2003-07年期间相比减少一半 。2003-07年期间中国是全球最大的常规武器进口国 。
In the 2008-2012 period, China ranked second behind India, with 69 per centof all Chinese weapons imports originating in Russia. According to Sipri, Indiaaccounted for 12 per cent of all conventional arms imports between 2008 and2012, which was more than double Chinese purchases of arms from overseas.
2008-12年期间,中国在武器进口量方面排在印度后面,位列第2,中国进口的武器中69%来自俄罗斯 。同期印度占全球常规武器进口的12%,比中国的两倍还多 。
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