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BEC阅读|商务英语阅读材料( 四 )

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不过,雅虎既然打算关闭该应用的下载,那为什么还要为它支付3000万美元,或者说为每个用户掏30美元?记得一年前Facebook购买照片应用Instagram时,也差不多为每个用户支付了这么多(总计10亿美元)——Instagram同样没什么收益,但代表了一个不断成长而且充满活力的网络社区 。雅虎收购的一个原因在于,可以得到达洛伊西奥与斯坦福国际咨询研究所(SRIInternational)共同开发的摘要算法 。斯坦福国际咨询研究所正是那家发明嵌入iPhone的Siri个人助理技术的硅谷实验室 。另外,雅虎还将获得达洛伊西奥未来18个月的服务 。最重要的是,通过这一收购,雅虎不仅向用户和投资者,还向那些开发人才展示出雅虎发展移动技术的强大动力,它希望让这些开发人才相信,为雅虎工作与为谷歌(Google)、推特(Twitter)或任何还不知名的未上市创业公司工作一样酷 。
Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising arewell-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has thechance to redeem itself there. The company does have strong content portfolioand its 186 million U.S. monthly unique visitors, according to comScore,surprisingly is ahead of Facebook and only slightly trails Google. And the stockis up 50 per cent since Marissa Mayer took the helm in July (though half of itsequity value is tied to non-core Asian investments). It could be time toconsider buying one of those web or mobile players, say Hulu, run by afull-fledged grown-up.
雅虎在传统互联网搜索与广告领域遭遇的困境已无需赘述 。但移动领域目前仍处于群雄逐鹿的状态,雅虎有机会在这一领域一雪前耻 。雅虎的内容组合十分出色 。根据comScore的数据,其在美国每月1.86亿的独立访客数令人惊异地超过了Facebook,只比谷歌低一点 。自梅里莎?梅尔(MarissaMayer)去年7月份掌舵以来,雅虎股价已经上涨了50%(尽管其市值中有一半与非核心业务的亚洲投资关系密切) 。如今,收购一个由成熟的成年人运营的互联网或移动领域公司,比如说Hulu,可能正是时候 。
China has ousted the UK as the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, mainlybecause of sales to Pakistan, according to a new report on global weaponssales.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on Monday said Chinesearms exports rose 162 per cent between 2008 to 2012, propelling China into thetop five arms exporting countries for the first time since the cold war. Thismarks the first time that the UK has not been one of the top five conventionalarms exporters since at least 1950, the earliest year covered by Sipri data.
Pakistan accounted for 55 per cent of Chinese arms exports between 2008 and2012, according to Sipri. During that time, China’s share of global arms exportsrose to 5 per cent from 2 per cent in the 2003-2007 period, boosting the countryfrom eighth to fifth place in the global ranking.
“Military exports are one way for China to increase its internationalstatus,” said Li Hong, secretary-general of the China Arms Control andDisarmament Association. “China needs to increase its influence in regionalaffairs and from that perspective it needs to increase weapons exportsfurther.”
Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays. Atcurrent growth rates, Chinese spending could catch up with the US – whichaccounts for more than 45 per cent of global military spending – by as early as2025.
For now, however, Chinese exports lag behind other countries with muchsmaller populations and economies. The US share of global conventional armsexports is 30 per cent. Russia, meanwhile, accounts for 26 per cent, Germanexports constitute 7 per cent, and France accounts for 6 per cent.
The rapid expansion in Beijing’s military budget in recent years and a focuson technological advances have raised the sophistication and competitiveness ofChinese weapons. This allowed China to cut the volume of its weapons imports inhalf between 2008 and 2012, compared with the 2003-2007 period, when it was theworld’s largest importer of conventional weapons.
In the 2008-2012 period, China ranked second behind India, with 69 per centof all Chinese weapons imports originating in Russia. China’s rising influenceand military spending have led to growing apprehension in Asia and helped spurlarge increases in military budgets throughout the region.
According to Sipri, India accounted for 12 per cent of all conventional armsimports between 2008 and 2012, which was more than double Chinese purchases ofarms from overseas.
1.Word of the day
oust: If someone is ousted from a position of power, job, or place, they areforced to leave it. 罢黜;把……撤职;驱逐
ex:The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.
例句:这些领导人被民族主义者赶下了台 。




标题:BEC阅读|商务英语阅读材料( 四 )









