· 接触精品咖啡家庭冲煮和烘焙已有10年
· 作为独立咖啡行业编辑 , 专注于咖啡器具的测评 , 同时是一名咖啡行业顾问
· 曾参加多个咖啡节、展会和活动 , 热衷于为咖啡爱好者介绍咖啡相关知识


Delter Coffee Press(D特压)

在评估任何一个特定的产品时 , 无论是咖啡器具、电子产品、厨具、汽车等 , 有一个特别的地方必须牢记—— 每一种产品都是为了满足一种或多种需求而诞生的 , D特压也不例外 。 在这么多咖啡爱好者中 , 需要一款高效、便捷、耐用、人性化的冲泡器具 。 在讲究科学冲煮的咖啡爱好者中 , 他们需要创新的萃取方式 , 以解决“不受控制的搅拌”的问题 , 而Delter Press能解决这些需求以及更多的问题 。
D特压由耐用的塑料制成 , 不含BPA , 可拆卸成四个部分 , 包括冲煮仓、活塞、量盖和带翼过滤网 , 可容纳咖啡粉 , 滤纸/过滤网 。 紧凑型的设计使它非常适合放在你的背包或手提箱里 , 在旅途中冲出一杯完美的咖啡 。 几乎所有的家庭咖啡机 , 都需要很多工具来确保正确的萃取 ,Delter Press配备了一个6g量勺 , 并在冲煮仓上有精确的刻度标记 。 在没有衡量水粉比列下冲咖啡 , 对于平时认真冲咖啡的人来说是不可想象的 。 但有时候会在生活中的某个时刻 , 例如出门野餐/旅游 , 突然发现自己忘记带电子称 。 我经过几次用D特压 "盲冲 "后 , 没有刻度的咖啡或水的测量 , 冲出来的咖啡是十分满意的 , 几乎与用电子称冲泡的咖啡没有区别 。

乍眼一看 , 会觉得D特压跟爱乐压很像 , 尤其是在外观视觉上 , 但是D特压并非传统的“压力萃取” , 虽然萃取时会用到活塞 , 但是并没有多大的压力 。这个活塞更大的作用是让水穿过过滤胶片 , 以花洒喷射状的水流穿过咖啡粉层 。 使用D特压冲泡出来的咖啡 , 跟滤杯手冲的口感、醇厚度、酸度都很接近 。 这都是因为这层Jet seal胶片 , 里面有19个小孔 , 以一种低压慢速且可控的方式 , 使水均匀释放到咖啡中 。 一些手冲咖啡的配件也选择了花洒这种方式来冲煮咖啡 , 例如Melodrip , 冲煮理念和D特压十分相似 。
D特压的冲煮仓设计非常巧妙 , 简单上手并且十分高效 。 如果你想冲煮更多的咖啡 , 你只需要取下量勺(作为保温和防烫手盖使用) , 继续加水便可 。 你不需要拆卸或者移动任何配件 , 只需要抬起活塞 , 再下压 , 轻松冲泡出两人份的咖啡 , 毕竟大部分人都喜欢跟别人分享咖啡 。

D特压满足了咖啡爱好者的几种特殊需求 , 它完美地控制了冲煮咖啡的几个关键变量 , 而这些变量对于使用传统器具的小白来说 , 是需要花上一定时间才能理解的 。而使用D特压冲煮咖啡 , 你可以轻松冲出稳定的风味 , 并且在时间、滴滤速度、温度这些变量上都有着很好的灵活性 。
When assessing any particular product, whether it is coffee related, electronics, cookware, vehicles, and so on, one particular aspect is crucial to keep in mind. Every product is created to meet one or more needs. The Delter Press is no different. Among coffee lovers, there is the need for an efficient, convenient, durable, and user-friendly brewer. Among the more scientific leaning coffee crowd, there is the need for innovation in extraction to address the issue known as uncontrolled agitation. As we will see, the Delter Press addresses these needs and many more. 分页标题
Made of durable BPA-free plastic, the Delter Press disassembles into four component parts including the brew chamber, plunger, dosing lid, and winged cap that holds the grinds and paper or mesh filter. The tight compact nature makes it perfect for throwing in your backpack or suitcase for coffee on the go. For almost all home-brewing apparatuses, many tools or other instruments are needed to ensure proper extraction. The Delter Press, however, comes with a convenient 6g dosing lid and accurate volumetric markings on the chamber wall. While brewing without a scale may seem inconceivable to some, almost all serious coffee drinkers find themselves in a scaleless situation at some point in their lives, either while traveling or just out of the house. After several “blind brews” without a scale for measuring coffee or water, the resulting cups were fantastic and nearly indistinguishable from those brewed with a scale.
While the Delter Press, at first glance, may look similar to the iconic Aeropress, the similarities end with the visuals. The Delter Press isn’t actually a “press pot” in the traditional sense and the plunger doesn’t plunge so much as it builds pressure to open the unique jet seal, allowing water to pass through. When brewing with the Delter, you will discover the coffee more closely resembles pour-over in terms of body, mouthfeel, and acidity. This is due to the jet seal releasing water evenly through the 19 holes onto grinds in a low-pressure, slow and controlled manner as the plunger is pressed down. Here we see the integrated agitation control solution highlighted. Water is uniformly injected into the coffee bed. Where pour-over agitation solutions are found in additional external instruments (i.e. Melodrip), the Delter Press incorporates the concept into the design itself.
The top-loading water chamber is designed for ease and efficiency. For brewing the full 400ml capacity, all that is needed is removal of the silicone lid and refilling to continue the brew. There is no need to remove, shift, or otherwise handle any other parts of the brewer or the receptacle beneath. Simply lifting the plunger to continue brewing allows you to effortlessly yield two cups. Because, after all, we do want to share our delicious coffee with our friends and coworkers.
The Delter Press meets several unique needs for a diverse range of coffee enthusiasts. While it is less DIY than some of its predecessors, the Delter Press flawlessly controls several variables that previously required hours of both education to understand and practice to master. It gives the ability to produce repeatable stellar cups of coffee and still allow for flexibility in time, temperature, and flow rate.

Origin Decanter(一体式咖啡壶)
当我第一次看到Origin Decanter 一体手冲壶的时候 , 说实话我十分困惑 , 感觉只是另一个滤杯和分享壶的组合?实际上我错了 , 我并没有注意到圆润的滤杯 , 它与分享壶的上缘完美地贴合在一起 。 我们终于有了一个看起来很优雅的滤杯冲煮一体咖啡壶 , 将滤杯与分享壶集成一体化 , 轻巧且精致 。分页标题
关于一款新的咖啡冲煮器具是否有必要的争论 , 很少会有结论 。 正如我们在上一篇文章中讨论的那样 , 产品填补需求空白 。 有时空白的存在是因为需求 , 有时是由于偏好、方便和实用性而存在 。 而Origin Decanter的极简外观设计 , 满足了一个现代咖啡爱好者的需求 。
抛开外观来说 , 可能有人更在意的是 , 这款器具冲泡一杯咖啡的结果如何 , 在触碰到滤杯底部前 , 能冲出多少咖啡?答案是500ml以上 。 设计者在这一点上并没有疏忽 , 因为容器的整体造型 , 你可以同时冲泡两到三份咖啡。 咖啡壶底部的加宽设计 , 可以容纳足够的咖啡 。 在冲泡后 , 分享壶有收窄功能 , 这在很多现代咖啡壶中很常见 , 可以让咖啡的香气最大限度地保留在壶口 。 在冲泡完成后 , 我还担心的一个问题是 , 将滤杯从咖啡壶中取出时 , 会不会烫伤自己?在最初的紧张尝试之后 , 我检查了一下玻璃圈的设计 , 发现这个问题设计者已经预料到的 , 整个咖啡壶的形状和厚度 , 能有效地扩散热量 , 并迅速冷却刚刚冲泡好的咖啡 。

那么这一款手冲咖啡壶跟别的一体壶到底有什么不同?其最独特的功能要数滤杯 , 这个滤杯的底部带有可拆卸的封条 , 用来限制出水孔的数量 , 从而控制滴滤速度 。底部有21个小孔 , 分为七组 , 每组3个 , 你可以选择将这些孔堵住 , 从而控制水和咖啡粉之间的接触时间 。 这种灵活性对于冲泡不同数量的咖啡有很大帮助 , 而对于普通的滤杯 , 流速的控制完全依赖的是注水技巧和咖啡粉的研磨度 。
总的来说 , Origin Decanter的使用感很好 , 每个细节都是经过深思熟虑的 , 看得出很用心 。 其分享壶可以与D特压搭配 , 这个搭配好看且毫无违和感 。 作为一个带有封条的玻璃冲煮滤杯 ,它是专业的、时尚的 , 而且非常酷 , 可玩性很强 。

When I first saw the Origin brewer and decanter, I was perplexed about what it was. Just another decanter to stick under my dripper? How I was wrong! At first glance I didn’t notice the sleek integrated brew chamber that fit perfectly into the top rim of the decanter. Finally, we have an elegant looking integrated brewer and decanter that isn’t outrageously tall and unwieldy.
The debate whether another coffee brewer is necessary isn’t very fruitful. As we discussed in a previous article, products fill voids. Sometimes voids exist due to need, and sometimes they exist due to preference, convenience, and practicality. The Origin decanter by Delter Coffee certainly satisfies many home coffee lovers’ desire for a cool looking modern brewer.
Aesthetics aside, we have to ask how good the brewer is at producing a stellar cup of coffee. Due to the low-profile appearance of the brewer, my next question was: how much coffee can I brew before it hits the bottom surface of the brew chamber? (That figure is over 500ml by the way…) The designers did not make an oversight in this. And it’s precisely because of the overall shape of the vessel that allows you to brew two to three portions of coffee at once. The bottom of the decanter is shaped so that it will hold the maximum capacity of coffee. After brewing the side walls share a narrowing feature common in many contemporary decanters to allow the maximum amount of aromatics to be released and concentrated into the top when smelling. One other concern I had was whether I would burn myself when trying to lift the brewing chamber out of the decanter when finished. After the initial nervous attempt, I examined the design of the glass rim and realized that this issue was anticipated and accounted for. The shape and thickness of the brewing chamber allows it to diffuse heat efficiently and cool quickly. 分页标题
Now let’s get to the functionality during the brew itself. The most unique feature of the origin is the removable inserts to restrict the flow of water through the bottom face of the chamber. There are 21 holes in the bottom arranged in seven groups of three. The Origin affords you the option to plug these holes and control the contact time between the water and the grinds. This flexibility is extremely helpful in brewing different quantities of coffee. Previously, the responsibility was solely on the user and their skill and technique in pouring.
Simply put, the Origin is pleasant to use, and every aspect of the design was well thought out and intentional. As a decanter to use with the Delter Press, it is comfortable and fits well together. As a brewer with a snug fitting glass brew chamber insert, it is professional, sleek, and downright cool.

【汽车|DELTER COFFEE新老产品测评】