顺治通宝是清世祖顺治年间(1644-1661年)所铸钱 。 顺治元年 , 在北京于工部、户部开设宝源局、宝泉局铸币 , 后随着天下统一 , 在各地开设钱局 , 钱币上用楷书写着"顺治通宝" 。 顺治通宝的成分红铜七成 , 白铜三成 。 一千铜钱称为一串 。 顺治通宝重初定位每文一钱 , 后改为一钱二分、一钱四分、一钱二分五 。 顺治通宝的币型未能统一 , 按照背文可分为五种 , 也就是"顺治五式" 。
Tongbao in Shunzhi was coined in the reign of Shunzhi (1644-1661). In the first year of Shunzhi, Baoyuan Bureau and Baoquan Bureau were set up in the Ministry of work and the Ministry of housing in Beijing. Later, with the unification of the world, money bureaus were set up in various places. The words "Shunzhi Tongbao" were written in regular script on the coins. Shunzhi Tongbao has 70% red copper and 30% white copper. A thousand copper coins are called a bunch. Shunzhi Tongbao focuses on the initial orientation of one yuan per article, and then changes to one yuan two Fen, one yuan four Fen and one yuan two Fen five. The coin types of Tongbao in Shunzhi were not unified. According to the recitation, they can be divided into five types, namely "five types of Shunzhi".
公元1644年 , 清军攻入关内 , 清爱新觉罗·福临至北京 , 即皇帝位 , 改元顺治 , 成为清世祖 。 在北京设铸钱局铸钱 , 于工部、户部开设宝源局、宝泉局 , 后随着天下统一 , 在各地开钱局 , 并铸"顺冶通宝" 。 在清军刚入关时 , 允许明钱流通 , 但不久即严禁使用明钱及其它古钱 , 独行清钱 。 顺治年间对制钱成分有明确规定 , 即铜七成 , 白铅(锌)三成 , 为合金 , 称之为"黄铜" , 一千铜钱称为一串 , 年铸一万二千串称为一卯即每开一期的额定数称为"正卯" , 正卯以后凡有加铸数称为"加卯" 。
【顺治通宝】珍稀古钱币:顺治通宝。In 1644 A.D., the Qing army entered Guannei, and aixinjuelu Fulin of the Qing Dynasty came to Beijing, that is, the emperor's throne, changed to Shunzhi and became the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. In Beijing, a money casting Bureau was set up to cast money, and Baoyuan Bureau and Baoquan Bureau were set up in the Ministry of industry and the Ministry of housing. Later, with the unification of the world, money bureaus were set up in various places and "shunye Tongbao" was cast. When the Qing army entered the customs, Ming money was allowed to circulate, but it was soon forbidden to use Ming money and other ancient money to clear money alone. During the reign of Shunzhi, there were clear regulations on the composition of money making, that is, 70% copper and 30% white lead (zinc) were alloy, which was called "brass". One thousand copper coins were called a string. The annual casting of 12000 strings was called one Mao, that is, the rated number of each phase was called "Zhengmao". After Zhengmao, all the additional casting numbers were called "Jiamao". 分页标题#e#
【顺治通宝】珍稀古钱币:顺治通宝//热点频道 /
此顺治通宝 , 为圆形方孔的铜币 , 其形状外法天内法地 , 取义精宏 。 钱面直读“顺治通宝”四字 , 钱背镌满文 , 字迹清晰 , 十分美观 。 整币以精铜铸造 , 品相完好 , 十分精致 , 包浆浑厚温润 , 字体端庄规矩 , 笔画圆润工整 , 为难得一见的精品 。
This Tongbao of Shunzhi is a copper coin with round square holes. Its shape is outside the law of heaven and the law of earth. It takes the essence of righteousness. Qian read the four characters of "Shunzhi Tongbao" directly. Qian's back was engraved with Manchu characters. The handwriting was clear and beautiful. The whole coin is made of fine copper. It's in good condition and very delicate. It's wrapped in thick and warm pulp. The font is dignified and regular. The strokes are round and neat. It's a rare boutique.
【顺治通宝】珍稀古钱币:顺治通宝。顺治一朝 , 此钱只通行平钱一种 , 定制为红铜七成 , 白铜三成搭配鼓铸 。 "顺治通宝"是明清以来最重的制钱 , 无论成色、样式还是分量都成为定制 , 对后继年号钱影响很大 。 顺治年间为了稳定经济前后进行了五次改制 , 最终取得成功;确立了清代的货币体系 。 随着五次改制同时产生了五种形式的顺治通宝闻名于世 , 史称"顺治五式" 。
In Shunzhi Dynasty, only one kind of flat money was used for this money. It was made of 70% red copper and 30% white copper. "Shunzhi Tongbao" is the most important money making since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. No matter the color, style or weight, it has become customized, which has a great impact on the subsequent years of money. During the reign of Shunzhi, in order to stabilize the economy, the system was reformed five times, and finally succeeded. Along with the five reforms, five forms of Shunzhi Tongbao have been produced, which are famous all over the world.
