20171118 托福考试写作真题范例&互动悬赏

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20171118 托福考试写作真题范例&互动悬赏




When it comes to how the government could protect the environment, people"s opinions vary from funding research on new energy sources to establishing laws. Among these methods, I support that protecting forests and natural wildlife species weighs more than others. My reasons and examples are as follows.

To begin with, large decrease of forests has caused serious problems to people"s lives. Because of the large consumption of wooden products, numerous trees are cut down to a certain   猜词互动   degree. Rapid disappearance of forests worldwide directly leads to serious environmental problems. For example, deforestation is one of the main causes of desertification, which is the process by which land changes into desert. In western China, desertification is causing immense damage to people"s lives. It is reported by China Daily that harvests in the five western provinces have been reduced by 5% last year. Also, along with desertification comes the decrease of water sources, which poses great threat to people"s health. As a result, people living in frontier areas have to move to inner lands annually and this is a great cost in terms of time and money.

Apart from this, wildlife species need emergent protection to escape from extinction. In the running of society, people have accumulated much greater wealth than before and some spend their money on purchasing animal products. Because of this ever-increasing demand, large amounts of animals are facing excessive hunting, which may soon lead to extinction of some species. For example, rhinoceros horn is seen as either a sign of status or an important medical material, which has boosted covert transaction. In Yemen, especially, males with knives made of rhinoceros horn are viewed as men of distinction. Globally, many rich consumers are eager to own rhinoceros horns because these horns are effective in the treatment of cancer. If governments neglect the protection of wildlife species, animals like rhinoceros will soon be extinct.

Admittedly, I am not denying the importance of funding research on new energy sources and establishing laws to reduce the pollution. Using new energy could help save some non-renewable energy sources, such as petroleum and coal. Laws on reducing pollution could regulate people"s behavior to some extent. However, new energy sources have been widely used and even with the law, some could still find ways to escape from being punished. Compared with these two, protecting forests and wildlife species is more urgent.

To sum up, I view the protection of forests and wildlife species as the top concern for the government to protect the environment. On the one hand, decrease of forests leads to deforestation, which has threatened many people"s lives. On the other hand, without immediate action, some wildlife species would face extinction.




文章结构上先提出两个原因(large decrease of forests has caused serious problems to people"s lives和wildlife species need emergent protection to escape from extinction),然后分别给出解释和例子。



 ?  consumption  n. 消耗

例: The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.

 ?  deforestation  n. 砍伐森林

例: There might even be an agreement to stop deforestation. 

 ?  desertification  n. 荒漠化

 例: A third of Africa is under threat of desertification.

 ?  immense  adj. 巨大的

例: ...an immense cloud of smoke.

 ?  extinction  n. 灭绝

例:An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction.

 ?  horn  n. 角

例:A mature cow has horns.

 ?  transaction  n. 交易

例:The transaction is completed by payment of the fee.

 ?  non-renewable  adj. 非再生的

例:nonrenewable resources

20171118 托福考试写作真题范例&互动悬赏