














LAST Thanksgiving my girlfriend and I flew to Milwaukee1) to spend the long weekend with her parents and   sister. Caitlin and I had been dating for over a year and a half, and I felt   comfortable enough around her family. But things always got tough for me   around the holidays, and it didn’t help that Caitlin’s family was so close,   so affectionate, always hugging and teasing2).   Caitlin and I had just moved in together, and her mom—mildly religious   and deeply sarcastic3)—had started   referring to me as her “sin-in-law.”


1.       Milwaukee:密尔沃基,美国威斯康星州东南部港市

2.       tease [ti?z] vt. 逗弄

3.       sarcastic [sɑ?(r)?k?st?k] adj. 好挖苦人的

I’d told myself this trip was no big deal, but as soon as we set   foot in the house, I started acting aloof4)   and grouchy5). At the table for   the big meal, I could mumble6)   only a brusque7),   impersonal thanks for “good food and hospitality.” 


4.       aloof [??lu?f] adj. 冷淡的

5.       grouchy [?ɡra?t?i] adj. 脾气不好的

6.       mumble [?m?mb(?)l] vt. 喃喃而语

7.       brusque [bru?sk] adj. 唐突的


“Lame8),” Caitlin’s mom said, calling me   out. “Boy, that was truly lame.”



8.       lame [le?m] adj. (托辞、建议等)站不住脚的,理由不充足的

Later, doing the dishes, I dropped a glass Caitlin handed me and   started shouting at her. When everyone went out to a movie, I stayed home. I   went upstairs to Caitlin’s childhood room, pulled the covers over my head and   sobbed.


Thanksgiving is an emigrant’s holiday, first celebrated,   legend has it, by the settlers of the Plymouth colony in gratitude   to God for their first good harvest. The previous   winter, they had lost nearly half their number to starvation, illness and attacks. A successful   harvest, along with the peaceful participation of the Wampanoag9) Indians in the feast, meant that from that point on   the Pilgrims might endure.



9.       Wampanoag [?wɑ?mp??n???g] n. 万帕诺亚格人(1620年英国清教徒移居美国时马萨诸塞州东南部印第安人的一个部落或其成员)

Few Americans know that the Mayflower initially embarked not from Plymouth but from Southampton,   my birthplace. When I was 7, my family emigrated from southern England to the   Midwest, our pilgrimage for a job my dad had landed that, my parents prayed,   would finally lift us out of working   poverty. We spent our first   Thanksgiving with work friends of my dad’s, the Stiers, a brash10) but welcoming couple   who plied us with Tater Tot   casserole11),   green-bean casserole, fried onions, candied yams12) and—most curious—ambrosia13)   (which, after a few gooey14)   spoonfuls, seemed the very symbol of the giddy15),   stomach-sick feeling of being briskly ushered into a new culture). 



10.     brash [br??] adj. 自以为是的

11.     casserole [?k?s?r??l] n. 炖菜

12.     yam [j?m] n. 山药,洋芋

13.     ambrosia [?m?br??zi?] n. 柑橘椰子甜品

14.     gooey [?ɡu?i] adj. 又粘又甜的

15.     giddy [?ɡ?di] adj. 眼花缭乱的

Our friendship with the Stiers ended after they asked my dad to   come in on a risky business venture and he refused. But by that time we were versed16) in Thanksgiving ritual. In   the kitchen, Dad forwent17) the marshmallow18)-centric sides,   substituting favorites from across the pond:   roast parsnips19), toad-in-the-hole20), bread   sauce, stump21). But we   weren’t just turning Thanksgiving into a larger version of an English   Sunday roast. By choosing to celebrate the holiday—as we came to   celebrate the Fourth of July—we were staking22)   our claim on this new life, declaring that, despite homesickness and hard   winters, we intended to endure and make a permanent settlement.


16.     versed [v??(r)st] adj. 精通的

17.     forgo [f??(r)?ɡ??] vt. 放弃,抛弃

18.     marshmallow [?mɑ?(r)??m?l??] n. 果浆软糖

19.     parsnip [?pɑ?(r)sn?p] n. [植]欧洲防风草

20.    toad-in-the-hole:面拖烤香肠

21.     stump [st?mp] n. 残余部分

22.     stake [ste?k] vt. 立界标以表明所有权

For the Pilgrims, the trials were long and began even before they   reached these shores. Two hundred miles out of port, the Mayflower’s sister ship, the Speedwell,   started leaking, and the expedition had to make a stop in Plymouth, England.   The Mayflower continued on,   burdened with extra passengers; the Speedwell   was abandoned.



My family, too, was scuppered23) mid-journey. The summer before I   went away to college, my mother was given a diagnosis of terminal brain   cancer. When I came home for Thanksgiving, she was so far gone she didn’t   even remember my name. At the table, I watched in gut sick horror as she drooled24) chewed-up turkey and   cranberry sauce down her chin. After she died, my father and my younger   brother went to war with one another, Dad threatening Rory with military   academy and expulsion from the house if he didn’t shape up and quit drinking,   smoking weed and staying out all night with friends. 



23.     scupper [?sk?p?(r)] vt. 使船沉没,破坏

24.     drool [dru?l] vi. 流口水

The next two Thanksgivings the three of us came together for the   few hours it took to have a meal, but the only words I remember Dad actually   addressing to Rory were “pass the bread sauce.” That winter, my brother was   killed in a car accident, out with his buddies on their way to a party, and   my father, shattered by grief, set to the business of drinking himself to   death. Our last Thanksgiving together, just the two of us, he was too wasted25) to eat the meal he’d spent   all day preparing.


25.     waste [we?st] adj. 虚弱的

I spent the next seven holidays in seven different places, most   often with friends and their families, as an extra guest at   their tables, the English guy with the Midwestern accent, the guy without a   family of his own.



When Caitlin, her mom, dad and sister got back from the movie,   they caught me raiding26)   the fridge. I’d crawled out from under the covers with bleary27) eyes and bedhead28), and they started peppering29) me with jokes. When I   looked hurt, Caitlin’s mom gave me a hug and tousled30) my hair. “Come on, kiddo31),” she said, “you’re gonna have to take it like the rest   of us.” She was still joking around, but she wasn’t.  


26.       raid [re?d] vt. 突然搜查

27.       bleary [?bl??ri] adj. 眼睛模糊的

28.       bedhead [?bed?hed] n. 凌乱不整齐(发型)

29.       pepper [?pep?(r)] vt. (雨点般地)向……掷

30.       tousle [?ta?z(?)l] vt. 弄乱

31.       kiddo [?k?d??] n. 年轻人

That night, lying awake next to Caitlin, I tried to pick apart my feelings.   



I was scared of committing,   really committing, to this relationship. And I missed Mom, Dad and   Rory as achingly as ever. For so many years, Thanksgiving had been something   to brave—every year another mark on the wall. But this Thanksgiving, here   with Caitlin, wasn’t just one more to endure.


Over the rest of the weekend, I relaxed a little. All that was   expected of me, really, was that I eat, drink, joke around. After all,   Caitlin’s mom seemed to mother just about everyone she met.


But by the time we all said goodbye at the airport and she kissed   me on the cheek and said, “Love ya, kiddo,” I’d recovered enough of my good   spirits to realize her “kiddo” wasn’t just a knee-jerk32) nicety. I’d been given a seat at the family table.   It was time for me to start calling this new world “home.”


32.       knee-jerk:下意识的



译 / 李梓感恩节·双语丨我不再一个人过的节日

