立冬(The beginning of winter)
It becomes colder and colder when winter comes.
Unconsciously, already is the beginning of winter I wish friends already autumn wind winter can be happy.
It is now after the beginning of winter, and less sunlight radiation, and is very suitable for outdoor sun sai.
Because Beginning of Winter is at the turn of seasons, in the northern China, Beijing and Tianjin in particular, people prefer to eat Jiaozi on the day.
Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.
It is not particularly uncommon for Hangzhou to have thunderstorm after "Lidong"( one of Chinese solar terms meaning the beginning of winter).
立春 Spring begins
雨水 The rains
惊蛰 Insects awaken
春分 Vernal Equinox
清明 Clear and bright
谷雨 Grain rain
立夏 Summer begins
小满 Grain buds
芒种 Grain in ear
夏至 Summer solstice
小暑 Slight heat
大暑 Great heat
立秋 Autumn begins
处暑 the Limit of Heat
白露 White dews
秋分 Autumn Equinox
寒露 Cold dews
霜降 Hoar-frost falls
立冬 Winter begins
小雪 Light snow
大雪 Heavy snow
冬至 Winter Solstice
小寒 Slight cold
大寒 Great cold
- 【清·奶子茶】煮一盏热奶茶,饮得凛冬之幸
- 滑翔冬之限量色彩,缤纷玩转浦发权益!
- 立冬时节 吃这道菜管保能拯救你的一整个冬天,省力又好吃
- 老钓友收藏的一款冬钓鲫鱼配方!
- 冬季天干易上火,烤鸭凉补正当时!
- 黑龙江省大学生雪雕比赛展现中国北疆“冬之韵”
- 尴尬!美韩“警戒王牌”军演伊始,F-22就坏了...
- 河地大寒冬小贴士
- 惊!!立冬后千万别再炒菜了,这么做菜营养翻百倍,驱寒又健康!
- 什么?武穴康健医院喊你过来贴这个!?