法国国立应用科学院(雷恩) Kidiyo Kpalma教授来院作全英文教学

10月27日上午,学院开展了全英文教学示范课活动,来自法国国立应用科学院(雷恩)的 Kidiyo Kpalma教授带来一堂题为《Frequency Domain Image Analysis--Application to frequency domain filtering》的课程,我院全英文授课教师、2015级计算机专业留学生等参与了此次活动。

课堂上,Kidiyo Kpalma教授首先为学生们图文并茂的讲解了傅立叶变换的理论概念,随后引导学生用Matlab软件实现傅立叶变换过程,并在现场对学生们逐一耐心指导,最后亲自在大屏幕上演示了详细过程。Kidiyo Kpalma教授的课堂讲授给现场的老师和同学们留下了深刻的印象。


Kidiyo Kpalma教授简介:Kidiyo Kpalma is born in 1962 in Togo. After his secondary school, he joined the University of Rennes 1 in France from whom he obtained his M Sc. in Signal Processing in 1988. He then joined the National Institute for Applied Sciences of Rennes (INSA) for his PhD received in 1992 after which he obtained the position of Associate Professor at INSA where he teaches Signal and Systems, Signal Processing, DSP and Image Processing in the department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. After his habilitation degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications obtained from the University of Rennes 1 in 2009, he obtained the position of full professor at INSA Rennes. He is in charge of the research topic "Analysis and understanding" within VAADER team. He is also in charge of the International Affairs - African Area in INSA Rennes. He has been responsible for several industrial grants with French State, private laboratories or within international partnership research programs. He is author or co-author of more than 100 publications and communications. He has supervised or co-supervised 11 defended PhD thesis and 4 ongoing PhD thesis. He serves as program committee for various international conferences and also as a reviewer for journals: ICIP, IGARSS, EUSIPCO, EURASIP, Springer, TGRS, TIP, IET-IPR, JEI, NeuCom, IJLEO, PRL, PR…

法国国立应用科学院(雷恩) Kidiyo Kpalma教授来院作全英文教学

法国国立应用科学院(雷恩) Kidiyo Kpalma教授来院作全英文教学

法国国立应用科学院(雷恩) Kidiyo Kpalma教授来院作全英文教学