10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆

今天又去考了一次GRE (V 168  Q 170,等diagnostic 出来了,再吹一波牛; 没考过G的对这个分数没有概念,我们这么说吧,相当于 TOEFL 119; SAT 1590(对就是当年Bill Gates 的SAT 成绩) )。







来一波硬广(总觉得如果你备考GRE, 不知道我们的存在,是我们犯下的孽)

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆

11月GRE  冲330+班:

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆

12月GRE  线下圣诞班:坐标深圳

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆



78. People’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants.

"Recently, butter has been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States. This change, however, has had little impact on our customers. In fact, only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that an average of 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. Furthermore, many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. Clearly, either these customers do not distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term "butter" to refer to either butter or margarine."

Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆



For all the _____ the new CEO has received from the press recently, her staff have a decidedly less rosy view of her.

A. encomiums

B. tributes 

C. evaluations 

D. critiques

E. attention

F. publicity 


Because archaeology explores the most profound changes in human history by means of a grossly incomplete record; it has invited the sort of bold, imaginative interpretation in which speculation too easily becomes _____ evidence.

A. replaced by 

B. constrained by 

C. untethered from 

D. divorced from 

E. substituted for 

F. constricted by 


The (i)_____ of molecular oxygen on Earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be (ii)_____ sign of life: molecular oxygen can be a signature of photosynthesis (a biotic process) or merely of the rapid escape of water from the upper reaches of a planetary atmosphere (an abiotic process). 

A. dearth                     B. presumption             C. detection

D. a controversial        E. an unambiguous        F. a possible


1. 有人说欧洲经济在变好,但是要谨慎,因为还不稳定,有的产业robust,有的产业不好;however,确实没以前那么debilitating。

2. 虽然我们不会怀疑作者falsification,但是确实读旅行作品很烦,因为没法儿verifying,作者说啥就是啥。

3. 雪覆盖在上面,让人有(uniformity/substantiality/protection/seclusion/isolation以及另外一个词)的幻觉,但其实下面都是缝隙。

4. 一个作者的作品前面说一个观点,后面subtly (displace)前面的观点,是disjunction。

5. 不要觉得一个刚去世的作者还有很多作品没出版是件很好的事,我们要tempered自己的乐观;因为不一定最后的就是最好的,目前来看作者已经出版出来的作品非常virtuosity,后面的很难equal它们。

6. 科学本身是(subversive/ principled),因为无论是(overturning/ identifying)一个传统智慧,还是蔑视了政治理念,科学家只看证据,所以科学伦理是对一切(authorities)的敌对。

7. 一个电影不好看有一些扭曲的情节和人物,所以观众出来都不太爽。

10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆


Ralph Ellison was passionately interested in visual arts. He immersed himself in Harlem’s art scene in the 1930s, even apprenticing with sculptor Richmond Barthe for a time. Yet he was wary of projects aiming to provide a visual rendering of his novel Invisible Man. He reluctantly allowed Franklin Library to publish two illustrated versions of the novel but found the results disappointing and repeatedly rejected proposed film versions of the book. Despite his involvement in visual arts, Ellison insisted that only language could capture the complexity of American identity. This complexity consisted of the tension arising from the collision of the United States’ written ideals, as outlined in the founding documents, and the historical and contemporary experience molding the national consciousness.

1. It can be inferred that the author mentions Ellison’s apprenticeship with Richmond Barthe primarily in order to

A. show that Ellison drew upon some aspects of the visual arts in developing his ideas for Invisible Man 

B. show that Ellison’s claim for the superiority of the language drive from his experience with other are forms

C. establish that Ellison had experience with an art form that interested many leading figures of the 1930s Harlem art scene 

D. suggest that in the 1930s the Harlem art scene provided an environment in which artists were likely to work in several media

E. qualify Ellison’s reservations about visual renderings of his work by showing that he was not indifferent to visual art 

2. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the “tension”?

A. It partly resulted from social injustices that Ellison worked to alleviate.

B. It came to Ellison’s attention partly a a result of his experience with proposed film versions of Invisible Man.

C. Ellison thought that it could not be adequately represented by sculpture.

D. Ellison believed that it arose from contradictions within the United States’ founding ideals. 

E. Ellison felt that it was an issue that could not adequately be addressed through the depiction of fictional characters. 


1. 大家比较喜欢Austen不是因为怀念她的时代,也不是因为啥啥啥,而是她很独特,让人们想像朋友一样去了解她,而且去研究她的方式跟文学批评传统方式都不一样。考了一个词汇题appreciation of;考了一个不定项,问为啥要这么去了解她,答案应该只有一个,第三个选项说因为大家对传统研究方式不满意,这不算原因本身。

2. 有一个人虽然批评家一直知道他是比较有哲学倾向的(出题了),虽然他也爱夸张但是很公平地说自己学贯中西,但是大家没有关注到他哲学一些重要方面就是实用主义。实用主义哲学贯穿他的作品,以前有人说他的creative work是apolitical(这也出了干扰选项,不能选)。实用主义的杜威之类的对这人有重大影响。

3. hard模式最后一个阅读是说一种动物靠olfactory去找东西,能找到;也可以通过wood debris去找。只有后者不行;但是两者加在一起可以找吃的找到的机会比只有olfactory要大。

4. 逻辑题,某协会里面百分之八十的作家读过大学,百分之六十的记者读过大学,所以一般而言,作家读过大学的比记者多。支持argument,建议选A,普遍的作家跟协会里面的差价差不多厉害。

5. 工作压力让人很烦,但是一般随意休息不会减缓压力,所以要有目的的娱乐和休息,减少压力。支持argument,建议选A,一般而言有目的的娱乐本身不是一种压力来源。

6. median模式的长阅读。讲法国大革命,十九世纪的觉得有一个中产阶级在主导,二十世纪不觉得。第二段作者说前者说法要对,依靠的是对中产阶级的定义(题目问作者关于十九世纪学者的看法),即新兴资产阶级,他们处在穷人和贵族之间(有一个except题,建议选说他们想当贵族,原文中没说这个),财富而不是出身成为官职遴选标准。最后一段说中产阶级发现贵族改革不靠谱,只有自己上了(另一个题的答案)。





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10.22 GRE 第一人称考题回忆

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