Bilingual · Foreign Business|“歪果仁”学汉语有了新装备( 八 )


为了实现多种模式的自然沉浸式对话,CIR 综合了语音文本转换,自然语言理解和计算机视觉等多种先进技术。

The CIR brings together several state-of-the-art technologies such as speech-to-text, natural language understanding, and computer vision to enable immersion and natural multi-modal dialogue.


教室里放置一套360度全景式显示系统、一套音频系统、多个摄像头、多部 Kinect 设备和多个话筒,还有用于支持 AI 技术的计算机系统,其中一部分放在教室里,另外一部分位于云端。

The room includes a 360-degree panoramic display system, an audio system, multiple cameras, multiple Kinect devices, and multiple microphones, as well as computer systems to support the AI technologies, some located in the room and others in the cloud.