小托马斯的自信心值得被赞美并学习,上赛季他的问题主要是喋喋不( 七 )


There were a host of issues with that group but it didn"t seem like he was trying to solve any of them.


[–]Igoritza 73 指標 14小時前 

Not just the locker room issues, he comes of as an arrogant sob in the interviews.

It is simple: Had he been humble, more deeds and less talk, no one would make fun of him.


On top of it all, it started to transfer onto the court, that arrogance of his. You could see in Cle that he forced many solo plays, and in LA the same. And he does that, still clinging on the Celtics fame - and you just cant do that. You are new in a team, you were injured, it is now time to slowly build up that confidence in yourself and for your teammates/coach, and not going straight ahead for 3 embarrassing blocked shots on 3 attempts.