7月新刊推荐 | 机器人将彻底改变快餐业( 三 )

1. passing: 轻微的。

2. incongruously: 不适当地,不相称地。

H.I.S., the company that runs the restaurant, as well as a nearby hotel where robots check guests into their rooms and help with their luggage, turned to automation partly out of necessity. Japan’s population is shrinking, and its economy is booming; the unemployment rate is currently an unprecedented 2.8 percent. “Using robots makes a lot of sense in a country like Japan, where it’s hard to find employees,” CEO Hideo Sawada said.


这家餐厅由H.I.S.公司负责经营,公司旗下还有一家位于附近的酒店,也由机器人为客人办理住宿,并帮助他们搬运行李。H.I.S.公司这种自动化发展趋势在一定程度上是出于所需。日本的人口正在不断减少,但经济正在蓬勃发展;目前,日本的失业率已降低到史无前例的2.8%。“在日本这样的国家,使用机器人有非常重要的意义,因为在这里,员工非常匮乏。”首席执行官泽田秀雄(Hideo Sawada)说。