Bill Simmons: if you are tired of Warriors vs Cavs, then come next collective bargaining let"s vote for "hard cap". Warriors and Cavs have the #1 and #2 highest salary in NBA.
比尔-西蒙斯: 如果你已经厌倦了勇骑对决,那接下来就请你为“硬性工资帽”的讨论投上一票吧。勇士和骑士是全联盟薪水排名前两名的球队。
Bill Simmons was talking about how Adam Silver would respond if someone were to complain to him about how they are tired of Cavs vs Warriors every year.
Does "hard cap" really promote parity? the only major sport league in US that has hard cap is NHL. How is the competitive balance in NHL?
[–]PaulAtreidesIsEvil 523 指標 4小時前
How is the competitive balance in NHL?
Pretty good
[–][BOS] Kelly OlynykSlayer_Of_Anubis 226 指標 4小時前
3 of the top 4 teams in the regular season were projected to finish in the bottom half of the league. It"s wild
[–]xcessive_ninja 104 指標 4小時前
Is the NFL no longer a major sport? Because they have a hard cap as well.
[–]BucksKrookedasFuck 107 指標 4小時前
Does the NFL not exist anymore?
Also, you can’t really compare parity in the NFL or NHL to the NBA because the NFL has a single elimination playoff and hockey is way lower scoring. As a result, both leagues have a much higher variance than the NBA. The NBA is the only league where the “best” team is actually extremely likely to win every year.
I think a hard cap would help, but the real answer is ditching max contracts. If KD and Steph are each making $60 million a year, nobody is building a super team. Never going to happen because it means money out of the pockets of 95% of players, but it would be the best option to promote parity.
[–]NBAmindofay 772 指標 4小時前
Bill"s going to be singing a different tune when the Celts inevitably have to pay all their young guys
[–]SupersonicsKio_HS 213 指標 3小時前
He already talked about it multiple times
He agrees that Celtics will have to let go a lot of their assets/young core
[–]thedailynathan 74 指標 3小時前
Yes, but, look at who"s next on the list:
#3 OKC #4 Miami Heat #5 Washington Wizards #6 Milwaukee Bucks #7 Detroit Pistons #8 New Orleans Pelicans
3. 俄克拉荷马雷霆队 4.迈阿密热火队 5.华盛顿奇才队 6.密尔沃基雄鹿队 7.底特律活塞队 8.新奥尔良鹈鹕队
The other big contenders that are nipping at their heels? Rockets are at #10. Spurs at #15. Celtics are at #16 (which includes Kyrie/Hayward who didn"t even play). 76ers are at #22.
而其他真正的争冠球队的薪水排第几呢? 火箭排在第10,马刺排在第15,凯尔特人排在第16(而且队里的欧文和海沃德根本没在季后赛中出场),76人排在第22。
Hard cap would honestly destroy many more middling/good franchises than hurt superteams. You"ll end up with more of a race to discard vets and go for as many cheap rookie breakouts as possible, like we see in the NFL.
[–]nerdeagle2424 88 指標 3小時前
This punishes good drafting. Let"s be honest. What happened with the warriors was a side-effect of the one time cap spike. It is very unlikely anything like this will happen again. I feel that the system they have in place now is good
[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalaw34ksaUce 447 指標 4小時前
Doubt players will go for it - Hard cap means more money for super stars, less money for role players.
[–]Warriors Bandwagonanimebop 49 指標 3小時前
Only if we also get rid of the max contract
[–]CelticsMexter-Dorgan 64 指標 2小時前
max contracts are so stupid. If a team wants to shell out more, they should be able to. Why would a player want to get paid 150 mil and then play for the Magic when they could get paid 150 mil and play for the Heat. The Magic should be allowed to pay a bunch more if they want to grab FAs and the player can decide, "less money, better team? or less team, better money?"
[–][CHI] Derrick Rosepakidude17 30 指標 2小時前
While I"m all for eliminating max salaries, the major argument against it is that if a team shells out 50% of their cap for one guy, and he underperforms/has career altering injuries, then that team is royally screwed. That might create some messy situations, but it would also cause FOs to be way more cautious on the contracts they give out.
But the benefits outweigh the cons imo. Let the market decide players" worth to bring some parity back.
[–]CelticsMexter-Dorgan 40 指標 2小時前
well the GMs should be more accountable and not be fucking stupid hahhaha
[–]Warriorstogas73 161 指標 3小時前
Players like the soft cap because teams have to give big raises to star players (and go over the cap) in order to keep them from simply going to a team who happens to have more cap space.
If there were a hard cap, players would have to choose between staying (and taking a pay cut) or taking big money to play for a (typically) bad team. With a soft cap they can get big money AND keep playing for the team they like.
Team would give out less "risky" contracts if they had to stay under the cap. Team would be quickly dump or cut "iffy" role players. Right now, with a soft cap, teams that are over the cap can STILL overpay and re-sign "iffy" players to more money than they"d get on the open market, because those team are already over the cap, and they could never replace that player.
While there"s a cap in theory (and a salary floor as well) that is something like 50% of basketball revenues, the reality is that the players, as a whole, get a lot more than that because most teams end up going over the cap.
[–]Warriorsraorao 48 指標 4小時前*
if the NBA moved to a hard cap, get ready for the league to get younger and less skilled. the current regime incentivizes re-signing your own vets, and building over the long term. A hard cap means that it"s almost always more effective to cut your vets and replace them in the draft.
The NFL"s hard cap means that there are like 3 good offensive lines left in the league, and IMO has made the game waaaaay harder to watch.
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