全职 |【Standard Chartered Bank】Sales & Service Support
【香港实习】Standard Chartered Bank
—Sales & Service Support - Corporate Partnership
。申请:阅读原文Sales & Service Support
Support Corporate Partnerships RM/ARM on sales and service related process
Enhance daily operations from time to time in order to increase productivity
Assist to undertake special assignment from management
Ensure comply with external and internal regulations and policies. Read, understand and comply with all provisions of the Group Code of Conduct. Understand and adhere to the Bank’s Risk policies.
Follow operating and instructions / procedures, understand duties and responsibilities and the need to seek clarification or escalate issues in timely manner
Comply with all Anti Money Laundering prevention procedures; report any suspicious activity to line manager and Financial Crime Risk Dept.
Ensure KYC/CDD compliance for all new to bank and existing customer. Exercise risk assessment for new customers by following all necessary procedures of KYC.
Assist line manager in sales management and planning
MIS reporting update to senior management
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