Bilingual·Foreign Business|如何让技术成为企业需要的B2B?

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Bilingual·Foreign Business|如何让技术成为企业需要的B2B?


Amadeus 亚太地区企业战略与业务发展副总裁西蒙谈琐碎业务难题如何为初创公司提供发展契机。


Bilingual·Foreign Business|如何让技术成为企业需要的B2B?


There’s no doubting that the world of business is changing. The traditional model of large international corporates functioning in a singular, closed-door fashion is fast disappearing, with companies now open to collaboration or outsourcing. 


While previously big corporates, protected by expensive barriers of entry, were responsible for all “business problems” in-house, technology has now made it possible for many of these issues to be outsourced.

而这对创业者来说极具吸引力。过去几年,全球初创公司数量空前增加,尤其在中国,在 注册的初创公司就超过了1800家。

Enter the entrepreneur. The last few years have seen an unprecedented rise in the number of start-ups globally, not least China where there are over 1800 start-up companies listed>Many of these start-ups are capitalising>Well, depending>However, despite these attractive opportunities, many start-ups, particularly in their early days, fall into the trap of trying to create a company with mass appeal. The next Mobike, WeChat or Didi perhaps. 


Such companies have wide appeal and their brilliant simplicity is attractive to budding entrepreneurs who dream of similar success. 


However, these ‘unicorn’ triumphs are rare (hence the name), and entrepreneurs would be wise to consider an alternative route>While it is true that many B2C start-ups bring great ideas, technology, and solutions to the travel industry, for many it can be very difficult to get off the ground, particularly for first-time entrepreneurs. 

B2C 初创公司从一开始就应该有运筹帷幄的格局,比如采取强有力的营销策略,以抗衡霸占 B2C 旅游市场的大牌企业。

From the get-go, B2C start-ups must be alert to many things, including having a strong marketing strategy in place that stands up against the big names already dominating the B2C travel industry. 


You have to compete for a potential travellers’ attention against the massive marketing budgets, years of brand exposure and known services of the likes of Ctrip, Fliggy, Qyer or Mafengwo, amongst others. 


Most well-established travel brands have a solid funnel of customers and it’s hard to take those customers (and their loyalty) away.

 实际上,许多 B2C 初创公司对投资者并没有吸引力,B2B 业务才是他们一些人的首选,毕竟收益更加稳定。 

The reality is that many B2C start-ups we see aren’t favourable to investors, many of whom prefer to fund B2B businesses in a bid to establish more stable earnings. 

另一方面,创建 B2B 公司能带来很多优势。首先,如今与大型企业合作的门槛相对较低。

Starting a B2B company,>Technology has opened up and barriers have come down, enabling businesses to look outside their own walls to external partners, in this case start-ups, who can help take>For large travel companies (including Amadeus), there’s always a long list of problems or challenges, of varying levels of priorities, which we’d love to focus>Most companies have limited capacity to implement every change and advancement that they want to. 


This is a great advantage for entrepreneurs. Rather than the stress of worrying about sales figures (which should generally be consistent) or spending time marketing to attract new customers, the start-up can instead focus>Take a hotel, for example. Maybe they want to cut their laundry bill or determine how rooms can be cleaned in a more efficient way to offer early check-ins, accommodate late check-outs, offer an awesome guest experience and drive loyalty. 


It could even be how to improve internal efficiencies or manage their supply chain better. If a start-up can offer a solution to these types of problems, they become a valuable match for corporations and far more likely to succeed.


As the number of start-ups has risen, accelerator programmes have also multiplied throughout the region, leading to an understanding that innovation is best achieved through partnership with experts. 

Amadeus Next不是一个加速器或孵化器,而是一个灵活的社区,就像很多初创公司一样,其利用专家所掌握的技术和专业知识,为亚太地区的旅游科技初创公司提供支持。

Not an accelerator or an incubator, Amadeus Next (part of Amadeus) is a community, nimble and flexible, just like a start-up itself, which leverages the technology and expertise of our experts to provide support to travel technology start-ups in Asia Pacific. 

我们目前正与超过 30 家初创公司合作,而令人惊讶的是,其中 70% 以上的公司的运营模式具有某种形式的 B2B元素,其中近 55% 为纯粹的 B2B 模式。

We currently work with more than 30 start-ups, and surprisingly over 70% of these companies have some form of B2B (business-to-business) component, and almost 55% are purely B2B.

因此,如果刚刚起步的中国初创公司想要在旅游业大展身手,我的建议是:不要执着于成为诸如 Airbnb 之类的行业颠覆者,而可以去探索如何让你的技术成为企业真正需要的 B2B 解决方案。

So the next time I see a budding Chinese start-up trying to make it in travel, this would be my advice; don’t get fixated>While it may not be their current priority, or data-style-type="5" data-tools="新媒体排版" data-id="439442">


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编辑 / 武亚东

来源 / 经济日报(采访人员陈颐、朱琳)

Bilingual·Foreign Business|如何让技术成为企业需要的B2B?