美国网友热议: 除俄罗斯人, 大家越来越不喜欢美国了
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美国网友热议: 除俄罗斯人, 大家越来越不喜欢美国了。俄罗斯人|网友|热议|喜欢|means|美国---
Highly upsetting...does that mean Mexicans and Brazilians will now emigrate to other countries instead of the US? OH NO!!!
No, Highly Upsetting is that means is we won't be looked upon as THE Leading Nation. But apparently that doesn't seem to matter to you.
No, it means that other world leaders are less likely to work with us or take us seriously. Also puts our position of influence in jeopardy. Which means that other countries will have more global influence than us. Which means we are putting ourselves in a position to get screwed even more.
Screw them. Time for us to take care of the US.
That's why we elected Trump.
I'm glad they don't like us as much. We won't have to give them money like Obama did.
America is less liked around the world because the liberal dnc believes it is their right to force their values on a world that does not want them. China is kicking our but because they go into countries build beidges and roads and do not require the nation to change or accept chinese values. All china wants is access to the countries resources. But the liberals in the US never miss a chance to look down on folks and think that they are more enlightened than the people.
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