五分钟英语_2: 斯利那加的恐怖袭击

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五分钟英语_2: 斯利那加的恐怖袭击。恐怖|五分钟|英语|米尔|武装分子|a+|恐怖袭击---


五分钟英语_2: 斯利那加的恐怖袭击

The gun battle between the security forces and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militants finally ended today.


Two LeT militants involved in a terror bid inside a CRPF camp in Srinagar's Karan Nagar area, were killed after a 30-hour-long gun battle.

两个参与在斯利那加的Karan Nagar地区的一个预备队营的恐怖武装分子在长达30小时的枪战后死亡。

"While one was gunned down as he came out of the under-construction building to get into another adjacent building, the other was trapped and killed inside the building that they took refuge in on Monday," a police officer said.


The exact identity of the militants was still being established, the police said, adding that a search operation in the area was going on.

"While the operation was planned, all the civilian population was removed from there. It was a clean operation as we could complete the operation without any collateral damage," said SP Pani, Inspector General of Police-Kashmir.


“在计划行动的同时,所有平民都被从那里移走。这是一次干净利落的行动,因为我们在没有任何附带损害的情况下完成这项行动,”喀什米尔警察总局局长SP Pani说。

Jammu and Kashmir Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh said that the attackers came from South Kashmir.

"It is the desperation of Pakistan. They are pushing terrorists this side. All infiltrators are basically Pakistanis," he said.

Jammu和喀什米尔副首席部长Nirmal Singh说,袭击者来自喀什米尔南部。


The Lashkar militants took shelter inside a building which was under-construction a day ago after an alert sentry at the observation post of the 23rd battalion of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) spotted them and fired, in order to avoid a possible terror attack on the CRPF camp.

Militants were carrying backpacks and AK-47 rifles and were forced to withdraw. They were later trapped inside the building from where they started the gun battle.



A CRPF trooper was killed during the gunfight on Monday, while a constable of the Special Operations Group (SOG) of the Jammu and Kashmir Police was injured, but is now out of danger, Pani confirmed.

The attempted terror bid on the CRPF camp came close on the heels of the Sunjuwan military camp attack, in which seven persons, including six soldiers and a civilian, were killed.


