1. 颜值正义(good-looking)
In 2018, you will be better at investing in yourself. Your breathtaking face is unparalleled scenery on earth.
2. 范儿(fashionable)
In 2018, you will be more fashionable. Whatever you wear, you are the center of attention.
3. 潮(stylish)
In 2018, you will be more stylish. You have tried anything new and cool, making you a fashion icon.
4. 温暖(warm)
In 2018, you will be more capable of taking care your life. A cup tea, a pot of soup, a bed and a bunch of flowers can make an ideal life.
5. 柔软(soft)
You are bound to sacrifice more for achieving a remarkable 2018. No matter how heavy the armor you wear, you always have a loving heart.
6. 懂得(understand)
In 2018, you will understand more the importance of your own preference. Your own preference is what counts the most.
7. 才华(talent)
In 2018, you will be willing to explore your inner world. Beautiful appearances are alike, but an interesting mind is one in a million.
8. 品味(taste)
In 2018, you will have a greater taste. Those who can read understand art are works of art themselves.
9. 远方(distance)
In 2018, you will see more of the world. Life is a journey, what matters is not destination, but the scenery on the way.
10. 成就(achievement)
In 2018, you will be stronger. Life is like a game; only a stronger you can face the real-life boss.
11. 自由(freedom)
In 2018, you will enjoy the freedom of taking leave without delay. You deserve better places. After all, the radius of life is much larger than that of a tire.
12. 值得(worth)
In 2018, you will sacrifice more for your family, but everything is worth it and every expectation will come true.
13. 坚持(persistent)
In 2018, you will love doing sports more. If you can control the “lines” in your body, you will have the confidence to control other lines in the world.
14. 能干(capable)
In 2018, you will make more time for enjoying life. A real capability lies in finding someone suitable to do it for you.
15. 当家(managing household affairs)
In 2018, you are better at taking care of the family. It is great wisdom to handle household affairs.
16. 旺(prosperous)
May you have a prosperous year of 2018.
17. 爱(love)
In 2018, you will sacrifice more for your other half. Time changes while love stays constant.
18. 快乐(happy)
May you have a more splendid life in 2018. Always be free, and always be true to yourself.
19. 小确幸(small blessings)
In 2018, you will make yourself more satisfied. The sense of happiness not only comes from those important events of your life, but also from small blessings.
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