神器|强力推荐: Chants 制作神器

神器|强力推荐: Chants 制作神器
Sweets, sweets
Some sweets.
Can I have some sweets?
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Sweets. Sweets
Some sweets.
Can I have some sweets?
Sorry, you can’t.
Sorry, you can’t.
Sorry, you can’t.
神器|强力推荐: Chants 制作神器】Chants 在小学英语教学中的确运用得非常广泛。很多老师在尝试运用Chants的时候,都苦于找不到合适的伴奏音乐,尤其是节奏性强的鼓点。其实,这并不难。个人建议:第一、没有鼓点,我们拍掌也是蛮好的。如果真要鼓点节凑,那么,给出两条建议:第一,处处留心“皆学问”。平常我们多些观察,多些积累,包括多收集一些不错的适用的鼓点节奏,这是必须的;第二,利用今天的推送,给大家推荐一个 Chant 节奏制作神器。那就是大名鼎鼎的Garage Band 音乐制作软件,中文名:库乐队。
神器|强力推荐: Chants 制作神器
打开这个手机 APP 之后,我们直接选择“鼓”。然后按照自己的意愿,选用不同风格的鼓点,任意的调整不同鼓乐器在方框中的位置,就会有相关鼓乐器音量大小的变化和节奏的不同呈现。选择自己最满意的一种,确定,导出,随即完成。如果您想来得更快一点,直接通过手机录屏,瞬间搞定哦。
教海无涯,共享是岸。将这 Garage Band 这一 APP 推送分享给大家,希望对热爱小学英语教学教研的您有所帮助。随附自己一分钟制作的几个简单的鼓点节奏供大家参考哦。
第一、何为 chants
网络搜索,给出这样的答案:words or phrases that are repeated again and again by a group of people
第二、为什么 Chants
第三、怎样用 Chants
实例一:Practice stress and rhythm
* Choose a jazz chant you want to use and make one copy of the chant for every pair of students in your class.
* Play the recording for the first time just for fun.
Give each student a copy of the recording script, and play the recording again as they listen and read at the same time.
* Put students into pairs and have them put a small circle above each word that is stressed. Check their answers, then play the recording again as they listen and check.
* Finally, play the recording one more time and have students sing along.
实例二:Review vocabulary
* Check the vocabulary focus for each jazz chant and choose one you want to review.Make one copy of the Recording script for every two students in your class.
* Write the vocabulary focus on the board and put students into pairs to make a list of as many associated words as they can.
* Play the recording and have students note all the words they hear that are associated with the vocabulary focus.
* Give each student a copy of the Recording script, and play the recording again as they listen and read at the same time. Tell them to underline all the target words.
* Finally, play the recording one more time and have students sing along.
实例三:Review grammar
* Check the grammar focus for each jazz chant and choose one you want to review.Make one copy of the Recording script for every two students in your class.
* Write the grammar focus on the board and put students into pairs to make a few example sentences using the grammar.