用Choco安装和管理windows应用程序的八项高频操作( 二 )

PS C:\Users\gaowei\Videos\BibleProject> choco info powershellChocolatey v0.10.15PowerShell 5.1.14409.20180811 [Approved] Title: Windows Management Framework and PowerShell | Published: 2018-08-11 Package approved as a trusted package on Jul 13 2020 04:02:21. Package testing status: Passing on Aug 11 2018 20:14:14. Number of Downloads: 4461899 | Downloads for this version: 2038939 Package url Chocolatey Package Source: n/a搜索安装包wps:
PS C:\Users\gaowei\Videos\BibleProject> choco info wps-office-freeChocolatey v0.10.15wps-office-free [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users Title: WPS Office Free | Published: 2020-10-20 Package approved as a trusted package on Oct 21 2020 07:04:37.8.配置Chocochoco configchoco config listchoco config get cacheLocationchoco config get --name cacheLocationchoco config set cacheLocation c:\temp\chocochoco config set --name cacheLocation --value c:\temp\chocochoco config unset proxychoco config unset --name proxy比如list选项:
PS C:\Users\gaowei\Videos\BibleProject> choco config listChocolatey v0.10.15SettingscacheLocation =| Cache location if not TEMP folder. Replaces `$env:TEMP` value for choco.exe process. It is highly recommended this be set to make Chocolatey more deterministic in cleanup.containsLegacyPackageInstalls = true | Install has packages installed prior to 0.9.9 series.commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds = 2700 | Default timeout for command execution. '0' for infinite (starting in 0.10.4).proxy =| Explicit proxy location. Available in =| Optional proxy user. Available in =| Optional proxy password. Encrypted. Available in = 30 | Default timeout for web requests. Available in 0.9.10+.proxyBypassList =| Optional proxy bypass list. Comma separated. Available in 0.10.4+.proxyBypassOnLocal = true | Bypass proxy for local connections. Available in 0.10.4+.upgradeAllExceptions =| A comma-separated list of package names that should not be upgraded when running `choco upgrade all'. Defaults to empty. Available in 0.10.14+.以上为choco的8项高频操作 。
日常还是主要用scoop , scoop找不到再尝试choco , 因为scoop更快 。