
I will always remember the email I received from Mary. I had worked with her for a number of years in my role as a mentor at school. She struggled through depression and getting acclimated to a new school system. She was bright but had yet to find a way to express her creativity. I helped steer her in the direction she’d expressed an interest in—film and photography. She started making little films and taking gorgeous photographs, She found a teacher who was her mentor and blossomed into a star. She’s now thinking of applying to the top film school in the US and has won some awards for her films. Here is what she said: “You are the most generous person I\u0026#39;ve ever seen.” I didn’t do all that much except talk with her as a mentor but sometimes a listening ear and a supportive set of words can change a life. Maybe changing the world isn’t quite as hard a job as it sounds. If each of us can help one person at a time perhaps we can change the world all around.
同学们最后需要准备的是Do you have any questions? 如果问不出来问题,招生官会觉得这位学生完全没有准备这次面试。但是,这个问题不能是浏览网站10秒就能找到答案的问题。一定要有点深度,并言之有物,不能太笼统。范例:
Harvard and Yale just agreed to permit the famous Computer Science course at Harvard to be taught on-line, for credit, at Yale. Nothing like this has happened between these two schools before. Do you think this will be the beginning of more sharing of top scores between these two schools? Do you think this is a good idea?
* What has been your favorite course during high school? Why? What characteristics do you seek in your teachers?* How would you rate your academic strengths and weaknesses? Are you better in some areas than others? Do you know why?* Which subjects are you studying now? Do you enjoy some more than others? Why? Are your courses easy or challenging?* If I were to wander into your school\u0026#39;s faculty room and mention your name, what reaction would I get? How would your teachers characterize you? Do some teachers see you differently than others?* How would you rate yourself as a writer? What was the most challenging writing assignment you\u0026#39;ve faced?* What subjects do you plan to study in college? Are there any new subjects you hope to try? Do you have any dreams or goals after graduation from college?
* Are there any specific extracurricular interests or activities that you plan or hope to pursue in college?* Why are these of interest?* What have you done in these areas before? Have you participated during high school or in your community?* What do you gain from this interest?* Are you a different or better person because of the time you\u0026#39;ve committed to this interest?* What have you done during the summers? Is there someone you share a special interest with? Is there someone in your life who has had an impact on your life and why?* If the student has worked at a job: How did you get the job? Did you enjoy it? What were the best/worst features of your job? Did you learn anything about yourself in this job? Would you do it again?* What might you do with a year off between high school and college?* Tell me about your current schedule and activities.* Why do you want to go to Wesleyan?* What subject areas are you most interested in? Discuss a book or project that you enjoyed.* Have you thought about a major or area of concentration? Ideas about your future?* What do you look forward to most about college?* How well do you do with independence? Give an example of a problem or task or project you have dealt with that required you to demonstrate your independence.* Any questions for me?