

特别是一些容易紧张的同学,在面试时,可适当调整呼吸节奏,尽量用相对平稳的状态去和导师沟通。如果在内容上,出现少量遗漏也不必过于担心, 一般导师都会比较有耐心地聆听大家的阐述,希望大家能顺利通过面试,最终拿到自己的Dream School的offer。




举个例子,面试官的问题是: Why Wesleyan?可以考虑的回答如下
Leadership matters. I first became interested in Wesleyan after browsing the course offerings on Coursera. The president of Wesleyan, Michael Roth taught a course on “The Modern and Postmodern”. I signed up for it and found that his lectures were stimulating. useful and learned. It’s rare for a President to teach at all, but for him to put his course on a MOOC demonstrates that Wesleyan is ahead of the curve when it comes to education. I did not agree with all the views the President has on certain thinkers like Rousseau and Kant, but then that’s what a course should be—a challenge to my assumptions. I have now signed up for his newest MOOC "How To Change The World". Again it’s rare that a President would choose such a title without irony and then go on to explore how we can as he says, "develop \u0026#39;social goods\u0026#39; and use them to create networks of progressive change. "I believe in his vision for change, his vision for the future of education, and believe that his leadership will help Wesleyan continue to be a leader in liberal arts education in the world.
另一个常见的问题是an activity that’s important to you。讲故事是回答这个问题的好选择,同时要注意细节。比如说你是团队的一员,你们一起做了什么,等等。不一定非要选择多么大的故事。范例: