亚索|Reddit热议TES战胜T1成功晋级:这就是完美的“我方亚索”吗?( 二 )
Yasuo is an adc... He deals and builds ad, and he is supposed to be a carry.
亚索就是ADC啊 。 他造成AD伤害 , 出AD出装 , 而且理论上应该是个Carry点 。
nah dude you saw how useless he was on kalista ? must play yas
Jackey was amazing.
I actually don't understand how he can start the game that far behind and still be such a monster. He's insane
我实际上不太明白在开局如此落后的情况下 , 还能成为团战里的怪物 。 太疯狂了 。
He played every fight flawlessly, was so huge for Top.
他每波团战都无懈可击 , 这对TES来说非常重要
He has a supernatural talent for finding farm on the map and just amassing gold until he smacks the enemy team with his wallet
他对于寻找发育有着特别的才能 , 他会一直积累金币 , 直到用自己的钱包对敌方造成致命一击
It's called being top tier ADC in the World. And not being overrated like every SKT ADC.
这叫顶级ADC的实力 。 而不是像每一个SKT ADC一样被人高估 。
One of the best Ezreal's out there. Case can be made for the best ADC in the world currently.
最好的EZ玩家之一 。 可以说他是现在世界上最好的ADC了 。
I think he's definitely the best ADC in the world currently.
他绝对是现在世界上最好的ADC了 。
Two LPL teams pass groups, two LCK teams fall out in groups. Actually a rather surprising result.
两支LPL队伍出线 , 两支LCK队伍未能出线 。 结果来说比较令人意外 。
Damwon with the team kill, you love to see it.
DWG直接把队友击杀了 , 这种场景怎能令人不爱 。
FPX have to thank Damwon. They lost their first game pretty convincingly.
FPX得感谢DWG 。 FPX第一把输的让人确信T1的强大 。
JKL is not a top tier Carry btw, thorin is a joke as always
Jackeylove不是顶级Carry , 只是T1送的太厉害了
【亚索|Reddit热议TES战胜T1成功晋级:这就是完美的“我方亚索”吗?】If you can win worlds with Baolan, anything is possible
如果你能搭档Baolan然后赢得世界赛 , 一切皆有可能
His new supports are just as bad if not worse
Definitely having Rookie and TheShy as your top and mid in a meta that is solo lane focused helps a lot.
在注重单线的版本下 , 有Rookie和TheShy的帮助是极大的
Baolan was good at Worlds 2018 though, the real achievement was dragging IG to Worlds 2019 with the empty husk of Baolan in tow
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