The Tang poems are valuable materials for people today to take a peek into the social habits and custom, fauna and flora, and local specialties of the Tiantai region. In many poems, the lifestyle of the hermits living in Tiantai in the Tang period is vividly recorded.
In a word, the Tang period of China saw the majestic beauty of the mountains in Tiantai meet its ideal literary match, as if this ethereal world and the Tang romanticism were made just for each other.
- 镇元子连如来也不怕,为何观音降临五庄观,镇元子吓得当场起立
- 孙悟空一个筋斗十万八千里,为何不背着唐僧,原因是背不动
- 封神演义被度化到西方的孔宣在800年后到底为何要吞了如来佛祖
- 宝玉梦中大喊:不要金玉良缘,只要木石姻缘,宝钗听完为何怔住了
- 西游中龙族的身份地位为何如此之低?看看泾河龙王自己说了啥?
- 他是天界大神,与太上老君齐名,为何最后却沦落到给雷音寺看大门
- 封神榜三位圣人的实力那个最强,为什么元始天尊成为最后的赢家?
- 悟空为何定要打死白骨精?哪怕会被唐僧念咒,火眼金睛发现一秘密
- 牛家村为何被戏称为宇宙中心?射雕里的大神几乎都来过
- 独眼龙高中状元,乾隆却说独眼岂可登金榜,他答出下联成为探花