【active|疫情之下再现财富分化,亿万富豪出自哪些行业?】富豪这个群体 , 是财富的拥有者 。 瑞银集团和普华永道联合发布的最新研究揭示了亿万富豪中那些活跃于科技、医疗保健及工业领域的创新者与颠覆者是如何比以往更快速地重塑经济 。
瑞银集团(UBS)和普华永道(PwC)联合发布年度亿万富豪报告——“亿万富豪支持创新时代 , 推动全球经济重建” 。
UBS and PwC published their annual Billionaires Insightsreport: "Billionaires set to support a new era of innovation todrive the rebuilding of the global economy. "
最新研究显示 , 亿万富豪中那些活跃于科技、医疗保健及工业领域的创新者与颠覆者是如何比以往更快速地重塑经济 。
The new research reveals how billionaire innovators anddisruptors, active in tech, healthcare and industry, arecontributing to reshaping the economy at a faster pace than everbefore.
在过去的十年中 , 全球亿万富豪的人数翻了一番 , 他们的总财富增长超过三倍 。 到2020年7月 , 人数已达到2,189名 , 而2009年底为969人 。
Over the past decade, global billionaires have doubled innumber and their total wealth has more than tripled. By July 2020,there were 2,189 billionaires, up from 969 at the end of 2009.
截至2020年7月底 , 亿万富豪财富总额达到10.2万亿美元 , 攀登至今年资产价格V型反弹后的新高点 。
Total billionaire wealth reached USD 10.2 trillion at the endof July 2020, touching a new high after the year’s V-shaped reboundin asset prices.
这一反弹由工业及科技领域的亿万富豪引领 。 亿万富豪财富总额超过了2017年底创下的8.9万亿美元的峰值 。
This recovery was led by billionaires in industrial andtechnology. This level surpasses the previous peak of USD 8.9trillion, reached at the end of 2017.
瑞银/普华永道分析框架采用了一种多层次方法来识别“创新者和颠覆者”亿万富豪掌控的公司 。
UBS and PwC’s analysis includes a multi-layered approach toidentify innovator and disruptor billionaire-controlledcompanies.
考察的因素包括颠覆性的商业模式、关键技术以及已被证明的新兴技术等 。
The factors considered include the adoption of disruptivebusiness models, essential technologies and proven emergingtechnologies.
大部分科技(94%)和医疗保健(71%)领域的亿万富豪处于创新者和颠覆者之列 , 当然在更多的传统行业中也不乏他们的身影 。
Most tech (94%) and healthcare (71%) billionaires are amongthese innovators and disruptors, though they can also be found inmore traditional industries.
从工业领域来看 , 报告显示54%的亿万富豪是“创新者和颠覆者” , 其中消费零售业为41% 。
Within the industrial sector, UBS and PwC identified 54% ofbillionaires as innovators and disruptors, while consumer &retail has 41%.
瑞银财富管理全球家族办公室主管JosefStadler表示:“这是经济史上的重要时刻 。 科学家、计算机程序员和工程师们正在以前所未有的速度革新各个行业 , 并对全球经济产生深远的影响 。
Josef Stadler, Head of the Global Family Office unit at UBSGlobal Wealth Management, said: “This is a key moment ineconomic history. Scientists, computer programmers and engineersare revolutionizing industries at a pace never seen before and theyare having a profound impact on the whole of the globaleconomy.
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