“存钱”的英文是“save money”吗?
1. 开户
fill out an application form 填写申请表
open a bank account 开银行帐户
close / cancel an account 关闭银行帐户
a checking account 活期账户
a savings account 储蓄账户
online account 网上账户
interest rate 利息利率
bankbook / passbook 存折
seal 印章
signature 签名
Conversation 情景对话:
A: Hello, I'd like to open a checking account.
A: 嗨,我想开一个活期账户 。
B: No problem. Did you bring your ID and the seal? And there is a minimum deposit of $1000 for opening a bank account.
B: 没问题 。您有带身份证和印章吗?还有开户需要最低存入1000元 。
A: Here they are. And I also need to get an online access to my account.
A: 都在这里呢 。另外我想申请网上账户的使用权 。
B: Sure thing. Could you please fill out the application form? Everything will be ready in a few minutes then.
B: 当然可以,可以请您先填一下这张申请表吗?一切很快会为您准备好的 。
2. 存款、取款
有了账户后,紧接着就是存款、或是在需要使用的时候取款 。通常大笔资金的转移必须去柜面处理,小额的则可以通过ATM,省去排队等待的时间:
deposit money / make a deposit 存款
【存钱的英文是save money吗?】withdraw money / make a withdrawal 取款
fill out a deposit / withdrawal slip 填写存款/取款单
ATM 自动柜员机
ATM card 取款卡
PIN number 取款卡密码
transfer money / make a transfer 转账、汇款
make an inter-bank transfer 跨行转账
service charge / fee 手续费
Conversation 情景对话:
A: Good morning, I'd like to make a deposit of $50000 to my account and transfer $30000 to this account, thank you.
A: 早,我想存50000到我的账户然后再转300000到这个账户,谢谢 。
B: There will be a service charge of $20 for an inter-bank transfer.
B: 跨行转账会收取您20的手续费哦 。
3. 申请信用卡、贷款、兑换外币、支票等
apply for a credit card 申请信用卡
increase the credit limit 增加信用额度
cash a check 兑现支票
checkbook 支票簿
exchange A(money) into B(money) / make an exchange 把A货币换为B货币/换汇
foreign currency 外国货币
exchange rate 汇率
take out a loan (for) 申请…的贷款
pay for the loan 付贷款
pay off a loan 清贷款
check account balance 查余额
Conversation 情景对话:
A:I want to cash the check and exchange all of the money into Japanese Yen. What is the exchange rate?
A: 我想兑现这张支票并将所有的钱都换成日元,现状的汇率是多少?
B: It's 29.80 NT dollars to Japanese Yen. Also, there will be a service fee of NT$100.
B: 现在的汇率是20.8台币可兑换1日元,此外我们每笔会加收100元手续费 。
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