第1462天? 英语超级写作奶爸,4.0年双语日记记录女儿生活
【今天是你生日 今天是你生日,我的中国的歌曲】中英合计:101.4万字 英文40.6万字,中文60.8万字
第1462天 (4.0年) 2021年12月14日 (二)
A Diary for My Yunduo'er ?
Day 1462, Dec 14, 2021 (Tue)
You're 4 years old (1):
Today marks your 4th birthday. You are 4 years old, or 1462 days old, to be exact, or 35,077.5 hours by the end of the day, to be more exact, with your birth at 10:30am 4 years ago on December 14, 2017.
今天是你第四个生日 。你四岁了,确切地说你1462天大了,或者按四年前2017年12月14日上午10:30出生起算到今天结束,更确切地说是35077.5小时大了 。
The morning dawning grey, you were still in your deep and peaceful slumber. I padded round the big bed to the side of your cot, bent down over its wooden low sides and planted a soft, loving kiss on your cheek. "Yunduo'er, today is your birthday. I'm going to my workplace," I whispered into your ear. Unexpectedly, roused, you tilted your head and cast your narrowed eyes towards me. "Yunduo'er, today is your birthday. I'm going to my workplace," I said y at the door. You gently waved me good-bye.
天蒙蒙亮了 。你睡得又沉又香 。我轻轻绕过大床来到你的小床旁,俯下身越过小床的木质低护栏,轻轻深情地在你的脸颊上亲了一下 。“云朵儿,今天是你的生日,我要去上班了,”我冲着你的耳朵儿轻轻地说 。没想到你醒了,歪过头眯着眼睛看着我 。我走到门旁又说,“云朵儿,今天是你的生日,我要去上班了 。”你轻轻地朝我挥手再见 。
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