写给好朋友的人生赠言 给好朋友的赠言一句话

1、亲爱的好朋友,不要问你在我的优先列表中的位置 。你要明白,你就是我的家 。
Dear best friend,don't ask about your place in my priority list.just understand that you are my home away from home.
2、总有那么一天,有些人会后悔当初不该那样对待自己 。相信我,它很快就会到来 。
That time will come in your life when some people will regret why they treated you wrong.trust me,it will soon come.

写给好朋友的人生赠言 给好朋友的赠言一句话

3、时间决定你会遇见谁,心灵决定你想要什么样的人 。行为决定谁会留在你的生活中 。
Time decides who you meet in your life,heart,decides who you want in your life.behaviour decides who will stay in your life.
4、来自对方的一条短信可以改变你整个心情 。
One text from the right person can change your whole mood.
写给好朋友的人生赠言 给好朋友的赠言一句话

5、你不能让别人感受到你对他们的感情 。接受事实,继续生活 。
You can't make people feel you the way you feel for them.for just accept the truth and move on.
6、如果你伤了某人的心,他们仍然带着同样的兴奋和尊重跟你说话 。相信我,他们真的很爱你 。
If you break someone's heart and they still talk to you with the ssame excitement and respect.believe me they really love you.
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7、生活教会了我一件事你可以对别人的生活很重要但不是一直都很重要 。
Life has taught me one thing you can be important to someone's life but not all the time.
8、成熟是当你意识到你太爱任何特别的人,而他们却忽视你,这是在伤害自己 。
【写给好朋友的人生赠言 给好朋友的赠言一句话】Maturity is when you realise you are hurting yourself by loving too much to anyone special and they are ignoring you.
写给好朋友的人生赠言 给好朋友的赠言一句话

9、晚上闭上眼睛前,你脑海里最后一个人是你快乐或痛苦的原因 。
The very last person on your mind before you close you eyes at night either the reason of your happiness or pain.