2月发生的大事教你用英语精准表达 2月的英语( 二 )

第一 , 了解商家是否具备兑换和经营外汇的资格(the product provider is qualified to grant such foreign currency products) , 是否是国家外汇管理局批准从事外汇兑换的银行或指定外汇兑换点(designated unit for foreign exchange) 。
第二 , 了解外币红包中的外币是否支持真伪鉴别(verify currency authenticity) , 保证全部真币 。小心买到假钞 , 没有防伪标志码 , 甚至是印刷品 。
第三 , 了解商家是否有当面验收货(examine the currency in person)、不满意无损退(get full refund if the product is intact)的保障 , 保证自身权益 。
Spring Festival gala
The 2019 China Central Television (CCTV) Spring Festival Gala attained an aggregate viewership of 1.173 billion across all platforms, up about 42 million over the same period last year.
2019央视春晚海内外收视的观众总规模达11.73亿人 , 比去年同时段观众规模提升约4200万人 。

2月发生的大事教你用英语精准表达 2月的英语

This year, more than 621.4 million people in China and another 24.8 million overseas watched the show on television, while a surging number of viewers -- 527 million -- watched it on new media platforms: apps, websites, video-streaming sites and social media.
今年 , 超过6.214亿国内观众和2480万海外观众通过电视收看了央视春晚 , 还有多达5.27亿观众通过新媒体平台(应用程序、网站、流媒体平台和社交媒体)观看了央视春晚 。
Online approval ratings of the gala hit a whopping 96.98 percent.
今年春晚整体美誉度(网络正向评论比例)高达96.98% 。
央视春晚在除夕夜(Chinese Lunar New Year's eve)播出 , 是中国收视率最高的电视节目(most-watched television show) 。今年央视春晚的收视率创下新纪录(set a new viewership record) 。
对很多中国家庭来说 , 央视春晚(CCTV Spring Festival Gala)已经成为春节庆祝活动不可缺少的一部分(an integral part of the Chinese New Year rituals) 。整场晚会通常持续几个小时(run for several hours) , 直到午夜 , 很多家庭会“守夜”迎接新年(stay up late to usher in the new year) 。
travel accident insurance
In 2018, the number of Chinese travelers who bought travel accident insurance for outbound trips jumped nearly 20 percent year-on-year, according to a report by Ctrip.com International Ltd.
根据携程发布的报告 , 2018年 , 中国出境游客购买旅游意外险的比例比去年增加了近20% 。
In terms of payouts, 46 percent of money went to compensating travel schedule changes, 35 percent was for travel delays, and 15 percent for medical care costs, said Ctrip.
从理赔金额看 , 最多的是旅程变更 , 占比46%;其次是旅程延误 , 占比35%;医疗占比15% 。
据统计 , 在医疗理赔案件(medical claims)中 , 摔伤(trips and falls)占比最高 , 其次是感冒发烧、急性肠胃炎和动物咬伤抓伤 。意外摔伤案件中 , 超过一半是中老年人(middle-aged and senior people) 。
报告发现 , 境外游(overseas trips)风险整体大于境内游(domestic trips) , 尤其是一些长线旅行目的地(long-distance overseas destinations)(如美国、加拿大、新西兰等国)以及海岛国家(tropical islands) 。
海岛目的地是很多游客向往的度假胜地(dream island holiday) , 快艇颠簸导致腰伤骨折(yachting mishaps)、浮潜或游泳溺水等都屡见不鲜 。
被偷被抢(robbery cases)等财产损失也是旅游者的一大风险 , 欧洲案发率最高 , 从携程旅游客户和报案理赔看 , 欧洲占国内外此类案件的20% 。
repair bad credit records
The Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang province recently issued a regulation that stipulates the conditions and procedures for individuals and organizations hoping to repair their bad credit records.
浙江省发展改革委近日出台了个人和组织修复不良信用记录的条件和程序 。
信用记录(credit records)与我们生活中的各种行为相关 , 信用卡以及银行贷款是否按时还款、水电燃气等生活费用是否按时缴纳、乘坐飞机火车出行是否有违规行为等都可能影响到我们的信用记录 , 良好的信用记录(good credit records)可能会让我们享受到一些优惠和便利 , 而不良信用记录(bad credit records)则可能让我们寸步难行 。