详细解释其意思 Changed什么意思

这是我教学英文歌曲《Yesterday once more昨日重现》的歌词,我重新编译了一下 。里面有出现动词定语从句的地方,我备注了 。
自学英语首先要掌握动词的定语从句 。其基本的格式就是
the song that we are singing=我们正在唱的歌曲 。
这种结构,从后面开始翻译,再加上“的” 。
把动词的时态语法研究透彻,基本上看英文各类文章和歌曲歌词,就是查一下陌生单词和词组的意思,就理解了 。
海涛英语 英文歌曲教学系列
第1首 Yesterday once more
When I was young当 我年轻的时候(am was)
I'd listen to the radio我喜欢收听广播 (will would)
Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜爱的歌
When they played I'd sing along一边听来一边唱
It made me smile心情多么欢畅
Those were such happy times旧日时光多快乐
And not so long ago转瞬已消逝
How I wondered where they'd gone我多么想知道他们已经去了哪里 。
(语法解释感叹句 how 多么had gone完成时已经去了
But they're back again而今它们又重现
Just like a long lost friend像失散的旧友重逢
All the songs I love so well我挚爱的老歌
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines每段旋律 每个音符 依旧闪亮
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每个迷人的音节
【详细解释其意思 Changed什么意思】 That they're starting to sing so fine重新又响起 感觉多么美妙
(这里的that 是定语从句里的that)
When they get to the part唱到那段往事
Where he's breaking her heart.他把她的心儿揉碎
It can really make me cry泪水不禁夺眶而出
Just like before就像从前那样
It's yesterday once more昨日又重现
Shoobie do lang lang宝贝
Looking back on how it was回首当年情景
In years gone by逝去的岁月里
(years gone by 修饰语gone by,放到后面,这是英文的特点)
And the good times that I had 我曾拥有的那些美好时光(明显的动词定语从句)
Makes today seem rather sad怎不叫人心伤
So much has changed 如此多的事情已经改变了
It was songs of love that I would sing to them 它曾是我将会对他们唱的爱的歌曲
(名词of名词+定语从句的组合结构,songs of love 爱的歌曲)
And I'd memorize each word我将记住每一句歌词
Those old melodies那些熟悉的旋律
Still sound so good to me对于我来讲,依旧听起来如此好
As they melt the years away当它们随着岁月流逝
(melt the years away词组随着岁月流逝)
Every shalalala每段旋律
Every wo wo oh每个音符
Still shines依旧闪亮
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每个迷人的音节
That they're starting to sing重新又响起
So fine多么美妙
All my best memories一切最美的回忆
Come back clearly to me清晰重现眼前
Some can even make me cry有些甚至叫我落泪
Just like before就像从前那样
It's yesterday once more昨日又重现
Shoobidoo lang lang
Every shalalala每段旋律
Every wo wo oh每个音符
Still shines依旧闪亮
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每个迷人的音节
That they're starting to sing重新又响起
So fine如此美好
Every shalalala每段旋律
Every wo wo oh每个音符