【什么是千足金和足金 千足金是什么意思】千足金饰品是指含金量不小于99.9%的饰品 。在首饰上的印记为"千足金",999金" 。千足金是首饰成色中最高的 。
1000 gold jewelry refers to jewelry with a gold content of not less than 99.9%. The marks on the jewelry are "1000 gold" and "999 gold". Pure gold is the highest quality jewelry.
足金饰品是指含金量不小于 99% 的饰品,在首饰上的印记为"足金"、"990金" 。
Pure gold jewelry refers to jewelry with a gold content of not less than 99%. The marks on the jewelry are "pure gold" and "990 gold ".
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