
我市的疫情防控正值咬牙吃劲的决胜关键期 , 容不得半点松劲和懈怠 , 与此同时 , 新冠肺炎疫情在全球呈现蔓延态势 。 在这特殊时刻 , 我们在此温馨提示:
请关注保定市卫生健康咨询平台“健康保定”发布的权威信息 , 获取新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情官方通报及保定市救治定点医院名单和防治指引措施等信息 , 或致电保定市卫生健康部门咨询电话12320 , 不信谣不传谣 。
我们深知 , 保定市疫情防控的阶段性成果来之不易 , 如果您刚从境外来到我市 , 请您主动向所辖社区和单位如实上报您的身体健康情况和行程轨迹 。 我们对所有境外来保人员 , 一律集中隔离14天 , 同时进行血常规、CT、两次核酸检测 。 对确定的确诊病例、疑似病例、有症状人员、密切接触者和重点地区等不同人员将按照我市疫情防控管理规定分别采取转运、留观、集中隔离等措施 , 请您自觉配合属地管理部门做好疫情防控 。
避免前往人员密集的场所 , 若必须前往 , 请正确佩戴口罩 , 首选医用外科口罩 。 若出现发热、咳嗽、胸闷、乏力、体温超过37.3℃等症状 , 请您做好个人防护 , 佩戴口罩 , 第一时间到附近的医疗机构发热门诊进行隔离、留观、治疗 。
保持良好的卫生习惯 , 注意手部卫生 , 勤洗手 , 使用洗手液或含有酒精的湿巾 。 适当开窗通风 , 注意保持室内环境卫生 。 避免接触任何野生动物或禽类动物 , 肉类和蛋类请彻底煮熟后食用 。
保定是我们共同的家园 , 在这危机关头 , 让我们同舟共济 , 打赢这场抗击疫情攻坚战 。
A Letter to Overseas Returnees to Baoding
Dear friends ,
The prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in our city is at the critical period before the decisive victory, even a slight relaxation may lead to regrettable failure. At the same time, the COVID-19 epidemic has been spreading worldwide with a severe global situation. On this special occasion, we hereby make the following suggestions:
I. Follow official updates.
Follow “jkbd0312” (the official WeChat account run by Baoding Municipal Health Commission) for the most recent official updates. Check out the list of designated hospitals in Baoding, and look for prevention and treatment guides. If you have any questions, please call Baoding Municipal Health Commission at 12320. Avoid believing and spreading false and unverified information.
II. To report voluntarily is your responsibility.
The significant success of epidemic prevention and control of Baoding is not easy to achieve, which is also full of your efforts and dedication. If you just come to our city from outside China, please immediately report your health and travel track truthfully to the community where you reside and to your company. All people travel to Baoding from outside China should receive a 14-day quarantine at designated places and also take blood routine examination, CT and double virus nucleic acid testing before expiration. According to the epidemic prevention and control regulations of Baoding , different measures will be take such as transit to designated hospital,medical observation in designated hospital,medical observation in designated places,medical observation at home for different personnel including confirmed cases, suspected cases, symptomatic cases, closely contact cases, key epidemic area traveller,etc. Please cooperate with our municipal government to prevent and control the epidemic.