苏州是一个古老,文明,美丽的城市和苏州园林是良好的世界知名的 。
Suzhou is an ancient, civilized and beautiful city and the Suzhou.
《Lion Grove Garden 》is located on 23 Yuanlin Road, in the northeast of Suzhou-a city with profound cultural background and convenient developmental advantages. Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City!
留园 《Lingering Garden 》Covering an area of 23,310 square meters, the Lingering Garden is the best garden in Suzhou as well as being one of the four most famous gardens in China. (The others are: the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Mountain Resort of Chengde, and the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou). It is renowned for the artistic way in which the spaces between various kinds of architectural forms are dealt with.
拙政园《Humble Administrator's Garden》 China's gardens generally can be divided into two kinds: the royal garden, represent by Summer Palace in Beijing and Mountain Resort of Chengde, and the private garden, represent by private gardens in Suzhou.
沧浪亭〈Canglang Pavilion 〉Canglang Pavilion, located south of Suzhou city, is the oldest garden among the existing classical gardens of Suzhou. It is also one of the four most famous gardens in the city - the others being: "Lion Grove", "Humble Administrator's Garden" and "Garden for Lingering In." The area used to be the private garden of a Prince of the Five Dynasties (907-960). During the Northern Song Dynasty, the scholar Su Zimei built a pavilion in this garden and named it Canglang Pavilion. The garden has been rebuilt many times but most of the present garden buildings, simple and plain, date from the Qing Dynasty.
拙政园 , 虎丘,狮子林 , 寒山寺 , 用英语怎么说?Great Wall
Guilin Landscape
Hangzhou West Lake
The Imperial Palace in Beijing
Suzhou gardens
Huangshan Mountain in Anhui
Yangtze River( Three Gorges )
Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake (ri yue tan)
Chengde Mountain Resort
QinDynasty Terracotta Warriors and Horses
1、“拙政园”的英语翻译:Humble Administrator Garden
例句:The?western part?of the?Humble?Administrator's?Garden?is only?half?the
size?of the?central part, and?is also?an?area?of?mainly?water scenery.?
译文:拙政园的西部只有中部一半的大小,也是一个以水景为主的景区 。
2、“虎丘”的英语翻译:Huqiu Scenic Area
【100字 介绍苏州园林的英语作文加中文翻译】
3、“狮子林”的英语翻译:Lion Forest Garden?
4、“寒山寺”的英语翻译:Hanshan Temple
例句:Many?foreigners?now?go to?Hanshan?Temple?to?celebrate?Chinese?New Year.?
译文:现在有许多外国人也去寒山寺庆祝春节 。
寒山寺在苏州城西阊门外5公里处的枫桥镇,建于六朝时期的梁代天监年间(502-519年),距今已有1500多年历史,原名“妙利普明塔院” 。唐代贞观年间(627-649年),传说当时的名僧寒山和拾得由天台山来此住持,改名寒山寺 。
1000多年内 , 寒山寺先后5次遭到火毁,最后一次重建是在清代光绪三十一年(1905年) 。寺内古迹甚多 , 有张继诗的石刻碑文,寒山、拾得的石刻像,文徵明、唐寅所书碑文残片等 。1982年,寒山寺被列为江苏省文物保护单位 。
寒山寺内主要建筑有山门殿、前院、大雄宝殿、藏经楼、碑廊、钟楼、弘法堂等,塔院和寒山别院为近年新建 。
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