
《十七岁》这首歌不仅可以作为刘德华的上半生经历 , 也可以作为一个激励现在年轻人追求梦想的一个活生生的例子 。
这首歌表达了出道时的刘德华当时的心态,不曾想到现在的自己已经成为了人们心中的一个传奇 。这首歌歌词写的就是刘德华回顾了自己从小白到现在的成功,囊括了实现梦想的种种不容易 。
每个人都有自己的17岁 , 每个人又有多少个17岁 , 当我们身处17岁的阶段时 , 我们努力过、放纵过,也许未曾想到自己未来的样子,很多人蹉跎了岁月;当我们经历过17岁的阶段时,我们回忆曾经的过往,也许会对自己当时荒唐的想法会心一笑,也许会对自己当时的选择懊悔不已,但时光不会给你机会,它对每个人都是公平的 , 所以,时下的我们要抓住自己 , 活出我们的梦想,勇敢前行,不畏艰险 。
每当我听到这首歌时 , 感动油然而生,心中的暖流会从双眼中溢出,感叹时光的飞逝,感叹偶像的不易,感叹他一直在激励着我们 , 从未改变 。
作词:刘德华,徐继宗 作曲:徐继宗
17 years old that day for shame to participate in the challenge
Star also have training course just a year too fresh
Remember to send four elder brother elder brother have been met
Then the promotion leading role too suddenly
Including the age of dinner Fans too insane
To listen to me sing a love song a song
The lyrics is too classic
My tremolo falsetto already too skilled
However love song always sing them
Like I don't covered his face
Let the way people find
Although heart sing the emotional song dye
Although heart sing this song mood of dye
Sing love songs to order again
Always remember to change all applause
To sing love songs again from the beginning again
Such as the feeling be thick a little tear flow difficult to avoid
Scale the fall time change
Each song is each face
Days change but I did not changeNow I see the sound was forty broken line
Memories I hope the applause from still to this day
The first to the water is no longer the classic
Still long buried in your heart never change十七岁那日不要脸 参加了挑战
明星也有训练班 短短一年太新鲜
记得四哥 发哥 都已见过面
后来 荣升主角太突然
廿九岁颁奖的晚宴 Fans太疯癫
我的震音 假音早已太熟练
喜欢我 别遮脸
尽管唱 用心把这情绪歌中染
尽管唱 用心把这情绪歌声中喧染
唱情歌 齐齐来一遍
来唱情歌 由从头再一遍
如情浓有点 泪流难避免
音阶起跌 拍子改变
每首歌 是每张脸
年月变 但我未变
如今我四十看从前 沙哑了声线
那首潮水 忘情水 不再经典