
如今的深圳公交线路发达,公共汽车繁忙的身影穿梭在城市的每一个角落,这得益于深圳的公共汽车事业起步较早 。1975年12月,“宝安县深圳镇公共汽车公司”成立,开办初期,仅有2辆营运车、12名员工、1条从侨社至东门的线路 。
Shenzhen boasts well-developed bus routes thanks to the early start of its public transport industry. With only two buses, 12 employees and one route from Qiaoshe to Dongmen,theBao’an County Shenzhen Town Bus Companywas established in December 1975.
档案资料显示,1980年,深圳市公共汽车公司拥有31台车,开辟了3条线路 。为改善车辆和资金不足的先天条件,同年2月23日,深圳市公共汽车公司与港商合作,购车15台,编为合作公司,并于3月5日正式营业,对外称“深圳市公共汽车公司” 。
Archives show that the Shenzhen Bus Company had31 buses and three routes in 1980. To deal with the inadequacy of the buses and funds, the company cooperated with aHong Kong enterprise and purchased 15 buses on February 23 of the same year. On March 5 of the same year, the cooperativecompany officially opened.
为规范公共汽车票价,1981年1月13日,深圳市计划委员会下发《关于统一公共汽车收费标准的通知》,该通知规定深圳汽车站至沙头村、侨社至沙头村、罗湖火车站至沙头村、罗湖火车站至深圳水库、侨社至深圳水库等5条线路大客车及十四座以下小客车在不同路段的收费标准,从0.05元到0.55元不等 。
In order to regulate ticket fares, on January 13, 1981, the Shenzhen Municipal Planning Committee issued the Notice on Unifying Bus Ticketing Standards, which stipulated that the fares for buses and for minibuses with less than 14seats shall vary on five routes from 0.05 yuan to 0.55 yuan, including the routes from Shenzhen Bus Station to Shatou Village, from Qiaoshe to Shatou Village, from Luohu Railway Station to Shatou Village, from Luohu Railway Station to Shenzhen Reservoir and from Qiaoshe to Shenzhen Reservoir.


The Charge Standards for Shenzhen Buses.
为规范内部经营,提高工作效率,1981年11月,深圳市公共汽车公司出台了《深圳市公共汽车公司工作管理制度》,从行政、车辆、安全、财务、仓库等方面作出详细规定 。
In order to standardizeinternal operations and improveefficiency, in November 1981, the Shenzhen Bus Company introducedthe Work Management Systemof the Shenzhen Bus Company,which provideddetailed regulations regardingadministration, vehicles, safety, finance and warehousing.

The first page of the Work Management System of the Shenzhen Bus Company.
改革开放以后,深圳的常住人口由1979年的30多万人增至1988年120多万人,人口的快速增长提升了公共交通的出行需求 。1989年,深圳借鉴香港公共交通的发展经验,在特区内首次开放中小巴市场,实行小巴线路竞投制度 。1989年3月27日,深圳市公共汽车公司取得38台公共小巴的经营权,并按期开辟专线3条 。作为大巴的有效补充,中小巴在一定程度上缓解了市内公共交通拥挤的现象 。截至1989年,深圳市公共汽车公司拥有车辆402辆,营运线路27条,营运线路长度351公里 。
After the initiation of the reform and opening up, Shenzhen’s resident population soared from more than 300,000 in 1979 to more than 1.2 million in 1988, and thus the demand for public transportation increased. In 1989, Shenzhen implemented the competitive bidding system for minibus routes.The Shenzhen Bus Company won the operation rights of 38 minibuses, and three special routes were opened. As of 1989, the Shenzhen Bus Company owned 402 buses and 27 routes that covered 351 kilometers.
伴随着经济特区的快速发展,深圳的公交事业也不断壮大 。曾经的宝安县深圳镇人民汽车公司,在2004年底混改引入了香港九巴等战略投资者,成为国有控股企业,发展为深圳巴士集团股份有限公司,从当初的1条线路发展到2022年初的600多条线路,深圳公交不仅承载着行色匆匆的乘客,更是承载着一个城市永不停步的奋斗之梦 。
Toward the end of 2004, the former Bao’an County Shenzhen Town Bus Company introduced strategic investors and became a State-owned holding company and developed into the Shenzhen Bus Group Co.Ltd.Asofearly 2022, more than 600 routeshad been opened.Shenzhen’spublic transport not only carries passengers efficiently, but also carries the never-ending dreams of Shenzhen.
今日互动:深圳公交线路发达,您平日出行最常乘坐哪些线路的公交车呢?您对深圳公共交通有什么想说的吗?欢迎留言分享,小i将在留言中选取幸运儿送出小礼物 。