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作文 | 2016上海高考英语作文真题
假设你是中华中学一名中学生,最近你正在参与一个研究性学习研究调查,调查课题为“关于父母是否对孩子感到骄傲” 。
Recently we have launched a survey among the students in our school and their parents to find out whether parents are proud of their children. It turns out that 80% of the parents take pride in their children, while only 60% of the students think their parents are proud of them. The difference indicates that from the students’ perspective, they are not that good to live up to their parents’ expectations.
One reason may be that parents are often strict with their children. They expect their kids to be outstanding, to be better and better. Even if their children fulfill a goal, they will not give their children any chance to be carried away by the temporary success. Therefore, what children hear is mostly criticism and requirements from parents.
As for another reason, we Chinese people typically tend to contain our feelings. This is the nature of our nation, to some extent. We are not used to expressing our feelings, especially compliments, directly. So most parents do not praise their kids or say aloud " I’m proud of you" even when they do love their children deeply and think they have done a great job.
As we can see, many factors contribute to the result. We appeal to parents to express their feeling frankly and we hope a better understanding between parents and children can be formed. After all, family is a place for love and expressing love!
I'm Yao Ping from Zhonghua High School. Recently I’ve conducted a survey on “Whether parents are proud of their children”. As is showed in the chart, 80% of parents are proud of their children while only 60% of the kids know they`re being proud of, which gives me food for thought.
What’s behind the difference? From where I am standing, it may result from the Chinese pattern of family education, in other words, Chinese parent tend to have more criticism and less words.
Obviously, Chinese parents usually have the image: a strict man with a stick in hand, rather than carrot, and the “Tiger Mother” is a typical one of them. They firmly believe that there is no such thing as an excellent kid without criticism from parents. Thus, children feel more stress instead of pride of in parents` strict but warm eyes.
In addition, lack of communication may be another factor. Due to our culture, Chinese parents and kids seldom express love for each other. Unfortunately, without communication, no survival of good relationship between parents and kids, and kids are less likely to discover the pride of their parents, which is pushing and encouraging them right behind their back.
To put in a nutshell, it is the pattern of family education in China that make the difference. Rotted in the culture and hard to change as it seems, both sides, especially children, should step forward, glaring and holding the other, and show the pride and love for each other.
A study has been carried out recently on whether parents take pride in their children. Having surveyed the students of our school and their parents, we finally got the results, as is shown in the chart. 80% of the parents surveyed said that they did, while 60% of the student subjects gave the same answer. It's still a relatively large proportion of students, but smaller than the number of parents.
It is impressive that most parents feel proud of their children. This reflects the pure parental love of parents. No matter how excellent or how ordinary one is, he is still the parents' child and they will always be on his side, regarding him as a masterpiece of their life.
Obviously, many parents successfully convey this message to their children. But why do some student can't appreciate their parents’ genuine feelings?
The reason might be the silence of love. True love conceals itself from words, and we can only feel it by heart. If parents unconsciously avoid telling their child is the treasure of every family, the child may miss the message due to lack of confidence and self–doubt.