英音 [?ɑ:ft?'nu:n] ;美音 [?ɑ:ft?'nu:n] ;名词
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell
the part of the day between noon and evening

One Saturday afternoon, I hauled the machine into the garden and had a close look at it.
一个星期六的下午,我把割草机拉到了花园里,仔细地检查了一番 。
Daylight began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twilight
【分享时间的英语单词及短语汇总 下午的英文怎么写】 阳光开始从红屋子里消逝;已经过了四点了,阴沉沉的下午渐渐转为凄凉的黄昏 。
One afternoon, cocoa started acting strangely
有一天下午,科科开始行动反常 。
"There are flights available in the morning, But we presume you would prefer an afternoon flight. "
早上还有几次航班,但是我们认为你更喜欢下午的航班 。
By the way, the sedan bearers say we can get to the school by this afternoon."
轿夫说今天下午可以到学校了 。”

Windy in the morning, and cloudy in the afternoon.
上午有风,下午多云 。
Last Saturday afternoon, Wei Hua and her classmates were visiting the Museum of Natural History. They were very interested in dinosaurs.
上个星期六下午,魏华和她的同学们正在参观自然历史博物馆 。他们对恐龙很感兴趣 。
"In Germany, shops shut on Saturday afternoon. "
在德国,每星期六的下午停止营业 。
Gudrun and Winifred were to come to tea with Birkin, who expected ursula also. In the afternoon, however, the first person to turn up was Hermione
古娟和威妮弗莱德将去伯金家喝茶,而伯金巴望厄秀拉也一起来 。但是下午第一个露面的却是赫米恩 。
and Bevo, the school mascot, a longhorn bull which is brought out to preside over the afternoon to the delight of the UT fans
还有“贝沃”,学校的吉祥物—一头长角小公牛,人们把它带来作为今天下午的主角,让得州大学队的球迷们开心 。

目前我国有很多学生不知道应该怎么学习英语,我自己整理了很多零基础英语学习方法和笔记 。如果你不知道自己是什么英语水平的话没有关系,可以直接点击我的头像私信或者留下你的问题,我看到会在第一时间回复您,根据你的情况整理了一份合适的学习资料免费送给您,希望可以帮到您!

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