priority用法 objective是什么意思

object n.物品 , 宾语 v. 不同意 everyday objects 日常物品
her object in life=aim 目标
object to n./doing… 反对;不同意
Many local people objected to building the new airport.
objectiveadj. 客观的
2. ◎ observev.观察 , 监视 , 观测
observe sb do sth观察某人做某事; observe sb doing sth 观察某人在做某事
observe sth done 观察某事被做
observed Christmas Day/one’s birthday 庆祝…
observe the law 遵守…
3. ●obtainvt/vi 获得;得到;存在
1).obtain advice/information/permission
2).These customs no longer obtain.
4. ◎ occupyv.居住;占有 , 占用(时 , 空);占领
The house is occupied. …有人住 The bathroom is occupied. …有人用
The dinner occupied 2 hours.
Many anxieties occupied his mind.
occupy oneself with sth/in doing sth忙于某事
5. ●occurvi(occurred, occurred) - happen发生
1).When exactly did the accident occur?
2). Sth occurred to/hit/struck sb. 出现在头脑中 , 被想到
The idea occurred to himin a dream.
3).It occurred to me thatI had left my keys in the room.
It didn’t occur to her to ask for help.
6. offer n./v.主动提议
He offered 5000 dollars for the car. 出价
offer sb. sth./sth. to sb. 主动给 offer to do… 提出做
supply sb. with sth./supply sth. to sb.
provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.
Thanks for your kind offer of help.
7. office n.办公室 , 办公楼 officer n. 警官 , 军官
office building/block 办公大楼
hold office 占据要职
in office/out of office 任职/离职
The present government took office in 1997. 开始执政
8. official adj. 官方的 , 正式的 n. 高级官员
the official language 官方语言
an official affair 公务
9.once adv.一次 conj. 一旦
all at once=suddenly 突然 at once 立即 , 同时
(just) for once/just this once 仅此一次
Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬 , 十年怕井绳 。
once more=once again 再一次
【priority用法 objective是什么意思】once upon a time 从前 , 很久以前
(every) once in a while 偶尔 , 间或
10. one
one by one 逐个的 one after another 一个接一个 one another 相互
11. oneself
of oneself 自动地 for oneself 亲自 (all) by oneself 独自
talk to oneself=think aloud 自言自语 enjoy oneself 玩得开心
I am not myself today. 身体不舒服
Help yourself to some fish. 随便吃
12. only adv./adj 仅仅
I am an only child. 独生子
not only … but (also) …
only to do… (意想不到的)结果...
13. ●opening
a).孔 , 洞 , 缝隙 b).开放 , 展开 c).空缺的职位 d). 开始 , 开端
e).开幕式 , 落成典礼
1).There are several openingsin the sales department .
2).The movie has an exciting opening .
3).Have you attended the openingof the Olympic Games ?
4).We could see the stars through an openingin the roof .
5).It’s nice to see the openingof a flower .
Opening hours/time(营业时间) his opening remarks (他的开场白)
14.operate v. 操作 , 手术
operate a computer 操作电脑 operating system (计算机)操作系统
operate on a patient 给病人手术 operating table 手术台
operation n. 操作 , 手术 in operation 工作中
The new rules will come into operation from next week. 开始工作 , 生效
put sth. into operation/practice 实施
15. ●oppose
1).oppose sth 他反对我出国的计划 。
2).oppose doing sth 我反对改变这项法律 。
3).be opposed to sth/doing sth
She was/remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad.
4).200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year .(相对于)
16.opposite adj. adv. 相反的/地 , 相对的/地
have the opposite opinion 持相反的观点 the opposite of heavy 反义词
There is a shop opposite our school.
17. ◎optimistica.乐观的
take an optimistic view 抱有乐观的想法
be optimistic about…
18.orconj. 或者
or=or else=otherwise 否则 or so 大约
Hurry or else we will be late.
whether…or/or not… 无论…还是(不)…
Hurry, or you will be late.(-otherwise)
19. ordern. 安排 , 顺序 v. 命令
in/out of order 有序/有毛病 in order of time 按时间顺序
order to do/for sb. to do… 命令 , 指挥 order that…(should)… 命令