关于减肥的英语常用句子 关于减肥的英语短句

关于减肥的英语短句?Im on a diet. 我正节食减肥中I want to shed some pounds. 我想要减肥,现在小编就来说说关于关于减肥的英语短句?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!

关于减肥的英语常用句子 关于减肥的英语短句

关于减肥的英语短句Im on a diet. 我正节食减肥中 。
I want to shed some pounds. 我想要减肥 。
Ive put on some weight. 我变肥了 。
I have gained a lot of weight. 我发福了很多 。
Have you been losing weight? 你最近在减肥么?
I should cut down on snacking. 我不能再吃零食了 。
Weigh yourself often and you may well start to lose weight.经常称一称体重,你或许就会真的开始减肥 。
My weight keeps going up although I try not to eat too much.虽然我尽力不多吃,我的体重却越来越重 。
The weight is too much for my height.相对于我的身高来说,体重太重了 。
You are just putting on a little weight. I believe youll get that off easily.你只是稍微胖了些 。很快就会恢复的 。
Its healthier to be slim.苗条更健康 。
【关于减肥的英语常用句子 关于减肥的英语短句】You are slim enough.你已经够苗条了 。